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[GenCon] Booth flyer - IMPORTANT for game designers

Started by Iskander, July 24, 2006, 09:24:04 PM

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Dear designers,

If you are going to GenCon, and have not yet looked at the GenCon menu thread, what are you waiting for?

Love and hugs,

P.S. I will hit anyone posting in this thread with a chair, purely as a fashion statement.
Winning gives birth to hostility.
Losing, one lies down in pain.
The calmed lie down with ease,
having set winning & losing aside.

- Samyutta Nikaya III, 14



Winning gives birth to hostility.
Losing, one lies down in pain.
The calmed lie down with ease,
having set winning & losing aside.

- Samyutta Nikaya III, 14


The latest, proof version of the Forge Gen Con '06 menu is up. (Browser refreshes may be necessary.)

Chair-hitting threats notwithstanding, please let me know of any typos you detect a.s.a.p., in this thread

Winning gives birth to hostility.
Losing, one lies down in pain.
The calmed lie down with ease,
having set winning & losing aside.

- Samyutta Nikaya III, 14

Justin D. Jacobson

I just noticed the entry "Untitled" under Bob Goat Press. Is this the actual title? a placeholder?
Facing off against Captain Ahab, Dr. Fu Manchu, and Prof. Moriarty? Sure!

Passages - Victorian era, literary-based high adventure!

Justin D. Jacobson

Never mind. Just visited Keith's site. Sounds cool.
Facing off against Captain Ahab, Dr. Fu Manchu, and Prof. Moriarty? Sure!

Passages - Victorian era, literary-based high adventure!


Here's another nit-picky layout thing.  On page 1, you've got little lines at the top and bottom of the page between columns 2 and 3.  I'm assuming this is on the intended fold line, which is a good thing.  I recommend either putting an identical line between columns 1 and 2, or putting one on the second page between columns 2 and 3.  Though I'd make the lines shorter.

Basically they can act as a guide for folding, since I imagine that someone will be folding these things by hand.  Trust me, if you've got a couple hundred items to fold, having a nice, clear line that indicates where the crease should go is a pretty big deal.

Current projects: Caper, Trust and Betrayal, The Suburban Crucible


Thomas - the one set of lines shown is necessary and sufficient. The first fold is of the right edge of the front page page to the line. The second fold is of the right edge of the back page to the folded edge. It's pretty trivial. The lines are negligible in print, and of about the right length for easy alignment without being intrusive.

Justin - yes, Untitled is just that. Keith's an artist, what can I say?

Thanks for the nitpicks... all are welcome!
Winning gives birth to hostility.
Losing, one lies down in pain.
The calmed lie down with ease,
having set winning & losing aside.

- Samyutta Nikaya III, 14

Emily Care

If you could list it as Black & Green Games, I'd be grateful.

Koti ei ole koti ilman saunaa.

Black & Green Games


If we're nitpicking: lumpley games, listed as a primary sponsor, should be all lowercase too.

I know I'm going against the Elements of Typographic Style guy on this one, but you know how it is.



Em, Vincent - edited with pleasure. Same link, updated PDF.
Winning gives birth to hostility.
Losing, one lies down in pain.
The calmed lie down with ease,
having set winning & losing aside.

- Samyutta Nikaya III, 14


The flyer looks great!  One minor point-- you may want to double-check the margins or make sure you test on the final printer.  When I print it out on a duplex printer and fold on the guides, that back fold is about 1/8 inch wider than the rest. 



Speaking of the elements of typographic style...are you trying to kill me, Alexander? There is no space between an asterisk and the word it is referencing.

First page, rightmost column: Increase the font size of the headers and and center the copy in that column. It will differentiate it from the menu items. Also, you might consider a header that explains what this particular piece of paper is. For example, "Forge Booth Menu of Games." You could also get away with making the logo bigger. I have high res versions of the Forge logo if you need them.

On the rightmost column on the second page. The URL goes directly under the logo. Increase the font size of tagline copy. Maybe even all caps?



Quote from: abzu on July 27, 2006, 07:57:43 PM...are you trying to kill me, Alexander? There is no space between an asterisk and the word it is referencing.
How else would I know when you had looked at it?

Yes, please, do send a hi-res Forge logo over (any format). I've tweaked as directed, except all caps looked like ass on the tagline copy. Reload the PDF for the latest version.

Julie - thanks for trying it out on a printer; with my manual duplexing, it comes out fine, with the columns all centered as expected, so I suspect that may be an artifact of the printing - are you printing without page scaling on the PDF? (Acrobat likes to scale things, I've found.) We'll definitely watch for that when we do the big print run.

- Alexander
Winning gives birth to hostility.
Losing, one lies down in pain.
The calmed lie down with ease,
having set winning & losing aside.

- Samyutta Nikaya III, 14


Both with & without scaling and with & without auto-centering, mechanical duplexing gives me an 1/8" discrepancy.  But it is far more important that you are getting it correctly.

I humbly suggest that the "Creator Owned ..." text be placed between the Forge graphic and the game menu box.  Also, I prefer the hanging-indent formatting of the back text ("Want a demo?") that was in place this morning rather than the current centered format. (Not that you need another person offering aesthetic suggestions.)
