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[Spiel Essen] Info, funding, and homework for the authors

Started by Frank T, July 31, 2006, 10:42:55 PM

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What is your game about?

Superheroes with heart.

Who is your target audience?

Anyone with a green-lantern symbol on their shirt.

What is special/unique about your game?

Everybody gets to create the story equally.  They compete to engage other players better than anyone else.

What might people not like about your game?

Everybody has to be willing to step up and create.  If they're no good at it that becomes painfully obvious.  There is no way to stop people from narrating wacky, non-realistic superhero stuff of any denomination.
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum

Markku Tuovinen

Quote from: Eero Tuovinen on August 03, 2006, 10:56:37 PM

Actually, I think Markku booked us somewhere downtown. I refuse to remember the name of the place, that's what a valet is for.

I wouldn't mind having a funny guy like Frank under my bed, especially if he had Under the Bed with him. But that's Markku's call.

We're at Mövenpick Handelshof, right across from the main railway station. It wasn't all that much expensive than Etap (410 euros versus 370 for five nights [that's right, five nights, since otherwise we would have arrived in the evening of 19th and left at noon on the 22nd, or paid 300 euros more for our flights with a change of planes {in Gothenburg of all places} and a total travel time of 6 hours versus the 2:35 that Air Berlin offers, and this way this trip will actually be my annual vacation as well :D ]).

I trust Eero's impeccable taste in people, I've been to the army (11 months of sleeping in midst of complete strangers) and traveled around the US by train (17 days, of which 10 in train... without a ticket to a sleeping carriage) so if Eero wants Frank Under his Bed, it's quite all right with me ;)
Arkenstone Publishing. Indie presence in Finland.

Frank T

Oh, I forgot one piece of information that might be of interest: Because of the limited space, we will furnish the booth with two standing tables (for 15 minutes demos only), and leave a little room for displaying our games on a table and pitching the people for demos.

That means we'll be on our feet all day, but what can you do.

- Frank


Quote from: Frank T on August 07, 2006, 09:04:53 AM
That means we'll be on our feet all day, but what can you do.

Just make sure you bought your Key of the Martyr...

Jason Morningstar

Guys, I can think about this more after Gen Con, and I'll have a finely tuned demo then as well, but here's something:

What is your game about?
The Shab-al-Hiri Roach is like the Marx Brothers meet H.P. Lovecraft - it is funny and horrible at the same time. You play old-timey college professors on an up-tight campus infested with telepathic cockroach slave lords from ancient Sumeria, and they are totally bananas. The cool thing is that you can win this game, but to win, you can't be a slave to the Roach, but if you're not a slave to the Roach, everyone else can kick your ass.

Who is your target audience?
Indie gamer nerds, people in academia who see the humor in a comedy of manners about their profession, horror geeks looking for some silly fun. 

What is special/unique about your game?
You can play a complete game in one evening and there's no GM.

What might people not like about your game?
You can play a complete game in one evening and there's no GM.

Frank T

Here's something else. I figured we'd just go without sales tax. I figured wrong. We are importing stuff from outside of the European Union, so there is no way past import sales tax. Fortunately, it's only 7 % because we are selling books and those are privileged goods in Germany. Receiving the first shipping from Brennan, Stefan had to pay a total EUR 69 of import sales tax. The question is: How do we handle this? Two possible solutions, one more easy, one more fair.

Easy: We include it in the total costs of the booth, period. After that, your books are safe and legal in Germany and you can sell them here without ever worrying about sales tax again*. However, it's not really fair if some of you don't get all their stuff sold, since they have already paid their share in the tax but don't receive it back in sales revenue (at least not at once).

Fair: We calculate the prices for selling the books including sales tax, so every book sold pays for its own sales tax. However, for the books not sold, the respective authors would have to come up for the sales tax Stefan forwarded. If they sell the books later, they get it back in. This procedure makes sure everyone pays exactly the sales tax on their own books. However, it will probably generate additional transfer costs.

Your call.

Please note also that if we ship your books back to you, you'll probably pay import sales tax again (depending on US law).

- Frank

*That's assuming that you are a small business and don't normally charge sales tax.


Death's Door

What is your game about?

Perfectly ordinary people who wake up one morning, and know they are going to die.  Maybe tomorrow, maybe in three months.  But soon.

Who is your target audience?

Humans.  More specifically, humans who aren't comfortable with the thought of dying.

What is special/unique about your game?

Everyone has to contribute what they want to do before they die, and those become what the characters are trying to accomplish before they die.  Also, there is no GM; everyone takes a turn at providing opposition.

What might people not like about your game?

It doesn't pull punches.  It is a straight up look at the death taboo that western society maintains.  I suspect this will be less prevelant in Europe than in North America, but still there.
I write games. My games don't have much in common with each other, except that I wrote them.



Could a master document such as this PDF be useful to document the key selling points about each game? I will try to bring something similar to the upcoming con in Stockholm.



Emily Care


I'd be happy to cover the sales tax.  Please feel free to add that in to the price I sent you, Frank (11 euro) for BtI.

Here is a link that I found useful in figuring out what prices might be.

What is your game about?
Two characters going on their first three dates, and the romantic and wacky ups & downs that ensue.

Who is your target audience?
Folks who like romantic comedy movies or stories.

What is special/unique about your game?
Character generation involves use of free-association from the character's favorite color. The players work together to make the characters and tell the story & make a "switch": they each play a character like the other player in some way. For example, if a guy and a girl play, the guy could play the female character, and the girl would play the guy.

What might people not like about your game?
If romance is yucky, you may want another game!

Koti ei ole koti ilman saunaa.

Black & Green Games