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Forge Booth Sticker Scheme

Started by Luke, August 02, 2006, 03:27:32 PM

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Hello, hello,

So, based on our bad experiences at the Forge boothg in the past few years with repitching the same customers over and over again, I devised a simple scheme to identify customers who come to our booth.

There Are Four Lights
I had two stickers made -- a white one with a red Forge logo and a red one with white Forge logo.

WHITE stickers are for people who bought stuff at the booth. The IPR guys or Julie or whomever's working the register give the customer a WHITE sticker to place on their badge. That way, when they come back, we know we've seen them before and that they have purchased from our booth. We can better address their needs and even talk to them about their purchase.

RED stickers are for people who just visit the booth, get a pitch or a demo but don't buy. These are, well, experimental at best. The idea is if we pitch someone who begs off, we ask politely, "Can I give you a Forge sticker for your badge?" Hopefully they agree and now we know they've visited the booth and can address them properly with a hearty, "You're back! What caught your interest?" And so forth. If the customer in question asks the reason behind the sticker, we can tell them, "It's so we know you've been here before. So we can better help you if you decide to come back."

Sticker Madness
I know, it's madness. But the booth this year is going to be very, very hectic. We've got a staff of 40 -- so there's no way I'm going to know if Tony's pitched someone or it's the customer's first time in the booth. Hopefully, this will go a little way toward curbing the madness and better serving the folks who come to our booth.



That's quite elegant, actually.  Obviously, it's going to be more a statistical improvement than "This makes things better every single time," but I (at least) will definitely try to get into the habit.

Are the stickers in seperate sheets or strips so we can each keep a few in our pocket?
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum

Ron Edwards

I am dubious and skeptical but in the interests of experimentation, I reluctantly say "OK let's try."

Best, Ron


Quote from: TonyLB on August 02, 2006, 03:30:14 PM

Are the stickers in seperate sheets or strips so we can each keep a few in our pocket?

Yes, they are on a roll, so we can tear off a few and keep them in our collective pocket.

Ron, I figure it can't hurt. If it causes more trouble than it solves, we can ditch it.

Justin D. Jacobson

Now, if we can get the I-bought-something stickers signed by, say, Ron, we will have people buying stuff just to get one.

Actually, this sounds like a pretty good idea. I don't see a lot of downside. If it's not working out, it can be scrapped with little disruption.
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