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Runequest meets Hero Wars

Started by AndyGuest, May 10, 2002, 03:43:39 PM

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Okay, I've got this concept in my head for a 'campaign' using the old Runequest rules to do a very sim type exploration of a celtic tribe in pre-roman Britain. It would focus on day too day life, interactions with other tribes, etc.

I'd also want to have occasional episodes where the Runequest characters tell myths/legends to the tribe, and to do that by using Hero Wars to play out the legend.

I hope that all makes sense. Does anyone have any advice ? Pitfalls/problems to watch out for ? Anything on the net for either game that focuses on the celtic tribes ? I know the Orlanthi (sp?) have a strong celtic feel to them but I don't really want to pick up all the Glorantha specific stuff (to be honest, I've given up trying to get to grips with Glorantha, I get a headache each time I try ;-)).


Quote from: AndyGuestI hope that all makes sense. Does anyone have any advice ? Pitfalls/problems to watch out for ? Anything on the net for either game that focuses on the celtic tribes ? I know the Orlanthi (sp?) have a strong celtic feel to them but I don't really want to pick up all the Glorantha specific stuff (to be honest, I've given up trying to get to grips with Glorantha, I get a headache each time I try ;-)).

The Celtic Myth supplement for GURPS is very good, and is currently in print.

There's a bestiary and designers notes accessible from the link above.

For Runequest, I'd de-emphasize cults and use a more pick-n-mix approach to magic. In other words, more like RQ2 than RQ3. The Cults Compendium, coming out any day now from Moon Design, would be a great resource too.

Simon Hibbs
Simon Hibbs