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Started by forlorn1, August 30, 2006, 07:01:25 PM

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Will there be any Indie Explosion at UberCon October 20-22nd.

I realize its not a Dex/Vinny Con, but it is in NJ, which seems a reasonable travel distance for alot of indie folks.

Just wondering?



I just booked my Ubercon games today. I'll be there all day Saturday running games.

Anyone else care to join me? It's a small con, but there's an audience for our games. MSM and I made it a regular part of our beat in the past few years.


M. J. Young

Last I checked I was on the guest list and the RPG Coordinator wanted to slot my games. I'm trying to get organized between guest obligations and game slots, but I am planning to be there.

Luke usually has my materials on his table, along with others (some of which I still want to justify buying), displayed with something about the Forge, but it's not as big as what I hear from other cons. In general, demos are not run in the dealer room.

--M. J. Young


We don't run a dealer's table at Ubercon any more.

M. J. Young

For what I think is the first time there will be a game design panel at Ubercon. I'm on it, but I don't know who else is. The panels aren't formally posted yet.

--M. J. Young

M. J. Young

This is mostly a reminder that several of us will be at Ubercon, and look forward to meeting Forge regulars there. The schedules are posted at the Ubercon site, including some of the panelists. Mike Stackpole is on the game design forum; I'm looking forward to meeting him and hearing some of his ideas. As I mentioned, I am on quite a few panels and will be running Multiverser, but if you want a schedule Check my mostly boring blog or meet me there. I'll be arriving (Lord willing) in time for the 7PM Friday panel Details in Gaming/Writing in the Garden Terrace, and all my games are in Stockton.

--M. J. Young