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2007 ENnies- increasing Indie participation again

Started by Denise, February 01, 2007, 07:25:41 PM

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Quote from: Denise on February 04, 2007, 01:58:44 AMSorry, Grey, but you definitely qualify as being a publisher, so wouldn't be able to be a judge!

That's what I thought. Thanks for the answer!
Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Wild Hunt Studio


We now have seven judge candidates, and an interesting discussion ( going on EN World with fans asking the judges their opinions on certain topics.

I don't know if any Forge peeps would like to start up a thread of their own to which I could link from the ENnies site (that'd be awesome!), or if they'd like to join EN World, but I think it could be beneficial to see where the candidates stand on issues that are important to you.

Nominations close Saturday, so please don't delay if you're planning on entering.  Also, I try to post the entries every night before heading to bed, so if you don't see your entry on the site  ( and you're sure you sent it, please contact me
An ENnie vote has as much meaning as a dollar bill - that is, it's worth what you choose to value it at. -clash

The Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ("The ENnies")


So, what would you like to ask the potential judges?  Thus far we have:

1. How do you think price factors when evaluating a product?
2. Do you have a favourite system, or particular dislike of one? Why? How will this affect your ability to judge products?
3. How do you feel about PDFs? Inherent advantages and/or disadvantages?
4. Mutant or troll?
5. mechanics or concepts? if you find too many errors in mechanics or in the writing will you fault the submission?
6. are you in a long term relationship or a job which requires you to be on call or have little free time? how much time are you willing to spend to see this project to completion? are the outside factors going to effect your commitment? (a non gaming SO, a sick child, an aging parent, a new job, a move, planning a marriage, etc...)
7. what are you gonna do with your stuff when all is done?
8. 4e - Now, Soon, Later, or Never?
9. Which is your favorite Beatle?
10. Software. What role do you see for software in DnD? Do you use software in DnD (more than Word/PDF etc)? Are minis more important than software?
12.  What game(s) are you playing in now / have played in in the past year?

*Question 11 asked about bribery, so I'm skipping that one.
An ENnie vote has as much meaning as a dollar bill - that is, it's worth what you choose to value it at. -clash

The Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ("The ENnies")

Eero Tuovinen

Blogging at Game Design is about Structure.
Publishing Zombie Cinema and Solar System at Arkenstone Publishing.


Heya Eero, howsabout starting up a new thread with the question?  I'd hate for any questions be lost amongst this thread with all the eligibility questions, y'know?  As soon as it's going, I'll send the nominees over here, and perhaps other Forge members can contribute some questions, too!
An ENnie vote has as much meaning as a dollar bill - that is, it's worth what you choose to value it at. -clash

The Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ("The ENnies")

Ron Edwards

New threads should go into the Conventions forum. That's sort of the best fit, I think.

Best, Ron


How do you send in a nomination form? Can you nominate yourself or does someone else need to nominate you? Is it too late to realistically run at this point?


Quote from: Calithena on February 08, 2007, 09:55:09 PM
How do you send in a nomination form? Can you nominate yourself or does someone else need to nominate you? Is it too late to realistically run at this point?

There are nomination forms on along with descriptions of the perks, responsibilities and qualifications of judges.  You can nominate yourself, but you need another person to vouch for you.  A 250 word bio/description and photo are optional, but highly advisable as is participation in the judge Q&A threads on various boards (linked to from the nominees page)
An ENnie vote has as much meaning as a dollar bill - that is, it's worth what you choose to value it at. -clash

The Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ("The ENnies")