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Logo and CS design

Started by Ninetongues, January 31, 2007, 03:54:18 AM

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Hey there.

I've been making games for over 10 years now. I always tried to keep an eye at the details and visual side of the projects too, and this is how I developed some skills, that You might need. Take a look at my 'works' now...

.:logo showoff:.
.:Arch Inverted Character Sheet:.
.:'Surrounding Card' from my 'Into Dreams' CCG project:.
.:'Dreamer Card' from my 'Into Dreams' CCG project [photo by Dave.D]:.

Example of cover design [fresh!!!]:

.:Arch Inverted pdf Cover:.

Some of my other sketches and pics:


So, if You would like me to help You in something - let me know.
Remember - the bigger Your enthusiasm, the easier it is to convince me to work. Muahahaha...

No, seriously. I have life and my own work to do, but I could manage to do some concepts and desgns in a week.


Sketches - a kiss or two [if You are lovely young lady] or one book [if You are anything else]
Logo - Whoa... Don't ask. But few dices will do...
CS - RPG book in pdf
Cover Design - depends, but most of the time it's gonna be around one dinner [London dinner] or cinema

Raphael "Nine" Sadowski



I took Ninetounges up on his offer.  I'm really happy with the work he did.  You can check out my old logo here:

Old Logo:

and me new logo here:

New Logo:

Consider me a satisified customer :)




You have some genius work man, I really like your colours.