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Concinnity '07 Milwaukee

Started by Matt-M-McElroy, February 04, 2007, 12:04:43 AM

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Planning is underway for this year's Concinnity convention in Milwaukee. This year's convention will be on Saturday March 31st and Sunday April 1st.

We are working on panels, game demos and other events. I would love to have more small press coverage this year. We had a great "self-publishing" panel with Matt Wilson and Mike Holmes last year. I'm planning another one this year and possibly more events.

Concinnity is seeking GMs to run a variety of RPGs. If you are interested in running an RPG please e-mail and include information about the game, the rules you'll be using and other details that will help us schedule your game.

Drop by the Concinnity Forum on Flames Rising for all the latest news and information.


"What Are You Afraid Of?"

Jason L Blair

Yet again, Concinnity falls on a bad weekend for me. Seriously, who arranges these things? ;)
Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer


Hey folks,

We are hoping to feature a variety of small press RPGs at Concinnity this year. We have some volunteers to help run demos and promote games. If you have promotional material or free demos that we can use let me know.

I am scheduling another self-publishing workshop this year. Last year Matt Wilson and Mike Holmes led a round-table discussion with some great Q&A conversations with some of the attendees. If anyone is interested in sitting in on this panel, let me know.

For all of the latest news, updates and other information about Concinnity sign up at the new Concinnity Yahoo Group or drop by the Concinnity Forum at


"What Are You Afraid Of?"