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Go Play Northwest : Seattle, June 22-24

Started by John Harper, February 06, 2007, 10:37:28 PM

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John Harper

Hello Everyone,

We have dates and a location for Go Play Northwest.

What sort of event is GPNW? It's going to be very much along the Forge Midwest model, with very light structure around lots and lots of games, discussions, playtests, you name it. We'll be spreading the event through three classrooms (classrooms, eh? Where's this going on, anyway? Read on), one or more of which may be designated for content unsafe for minors. Generally this is going to be casual, freestyle,
and comprehensively not quite a convention...

...except we will have a guest of honor and he will be none other than MR. CLINTON R. NIXON!

Yup. Those folks on the West Coast who haven't had the opportunity to meet the CRN will get a chance. Those folks on the West Coast who merely want a face full of the awesome, in the form of a great weekend of gaming, will get that too. And now for the crunchy bits:

We'll be firing off on the weekend of June 22 - 24. That's Friday through Sunday.

Go Play NW is being held at Seattle University, right next to the beautiful Capitol Hill area. Plenty of great food and sights are walkable, and yes, we will have game spaces with blackboards in them. Possibly.

Seattle U is also our official source of lodgings, which I think you'll agree are a fantastic deal given that they include a little sustenance. (No one will frown on you if you decide to run up to Baguette Box for lunch instead, but since so many of our prospective guests are coming from so far away and there is so much going on this year, we wanted to do everything we could to keep the whole trip affordable.)

Room Options:

  • Friday Night Single: $65, Includes Breakfast and Lunch on Saturday
  • Friday Night Double: $50 per person, Includes Breakfast and Lunch on Saturday
  • Saturday Night Single: $65, Includes Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday
  • Saturday Night Double: $50 per person, Includes Breakfast and Lunch on Sunday

Yes, they really are that affordable. For in-city lodgings, this is a ridiculous steal.

As you might expect, we'll be asking a small fee to cover our event costs as well. Here they be:

  • Saturday Only Registration Fee: $15
  • Sunday Only Registration Fee: $15
  • Saturday and Sunday Registration: $25
  • Guest Pass: Free

The "Guest Pass" thing is for people who don't expect to play games or participate actively in things, but will be wandering around. And yes, there will also be unstructured, unofficial goings-on on Friday night.

So: we'd very much like to start getting a better sense of who'd be interested in attending. We know we were a little closed-source on the date, but finding a venue that would work at all was a big struggle. We also know that there's a lot of great events going on, even in the western part of the states, and we hope you'll join us in making Go Play NW a leading source of face-stabbing.

Please use this thread to talk about what sorts of events to plan, and for berating us, etc.
Agon: An ancient Greek RPG. Prove the glory of your name!

Jake Richmond

John, I'm not familiar with the Forge Midwest model. Will we be able to schedule games (for example, can I schedule to facilitate some Panty Explosion) ordo you have something else in mind?


John Harper

Hey Jake,

The "schedule" is really loose and unstructured. If we do it like Forge Midwest, then people will gather on Friday evening and hang out for dinner/drinks. At the gathering, folks will plan games for Saturday and recruit players.

However, there's nothing wrong with posting a plan here and now to stake out your turf and gauge interest.
Agon: An ancient Greek RPG. Prove the glory of your name!

Jake Richmond

Okay, thanks. I like a casual approach. I would be very interested in seeing a list (at some point) of who is willing to facilitate what games, if only to get an idea of what I might be able to play. I don't want to miss playing Stranger Things (for example) because I didn't know that you were willing to facilitate it. But casual is good.I'm more then happy to just show up on Friday and see whats what.



Sounds amazingly cool.  Let us know when you get a website.  Is registration going to be only on-site or will you have pre-reg?

John Harper

The website will be up soon.

We'll have pre-registration available.
Agon: An ancient Greek RPG. Prove the glory of your name!