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[Forge Midwest 2007] Official Event Schedule -- Plan games here!

Started by Matt Snyder, March 14, 2007, 02:19:56 AM

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Going back to the indy roots of this artform, I'd also be willing to run an oldskool, 1974, WhiteBox, Three Little Brown Books, self-made, bigass dungeon adventure. If enough people sign up, we can even have a Caller!


Nev the Deranged

Games I want to play: Polaris, Don't Rest Your Head, It Was A Mutual Decision, Mortal Coil, Lacuna, My Life With Master, Mechaton. ** EDITED to add Capes and Conspiracy of Shadows **

Games I would happily play: Prime Time Adventures, Agon, Hero's Banner, The Mountain Witch, Dogs in the Vineyard. ** EDITED to add The Shadow of Yesterday **

Games I am willing to run assuming I am not playing something else: Agon (same adventure I'm running the prior weekend), DRYH (seat of the pants stylee). ** Edited to add Universalis **

Jungle Speed (still) goes without saying.


I'm seeing Troy, Aaron/Kesher, and Dave/Nev asking for TSoY, and I'm down with running that.  I'd take one, maybe two more people for that.  Anyone else in?  Those interested, do you have a time slot preference?  I'll be around for all of them.

Would definitely like to do Agon, Nev.

And Galactic (peers at Matt, again).

And Jungle Speed?  Oh yeah.
Doyce Testerman ~
Someone gets into trouble, then get get out of it again; people love that story -- they never get tired of it.

Clinton R. Nixon


I'd like to play in that TSOY game with you guys.

I will run my new game, Inuma, during the playtesting slot. It is made of magic and wonder.

My requests and offers are:

- Want to play (sort of in order): Polaris, My Life With Master, Spione, Legends of Alyria, Death's Door, Agon (all games I haven't played yet and own and want to play)

- Will run: Inuma, Swansong, Contenders, The Princes' Kingdom
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games


Quote from: Clinton R. Nixon on March 20, 2007, 12:43:03 PM

I'd like to play in that TSOY game with you guys.

Heya Clinton,

That's awesome.  That makes four folks, and I'll probably leave it at four unless someone begs exceptionally well asks.

Any favored time slots, guys?  (Does EVERYTHING related to scheduling events get worked out in this thread, or should I start another?)
Doyce Testerman ~
Someone gets into trouble, then get get out of it again; people love that story -- they never get tired of it.


I'd be up for some Death's Door. 

I'd also like to get in on some Agon, just to contrast it's Larger-Than-Life-Greek-Legendry with Blood and Bronze's Larger-Than-Life-Greek-Legendry.

I write games. My games don't have much in common with each other, except that I wrote them.

Nev the Deranged

Sure, put me down for the TSOY. I don't own that one, but I've heard good things. Time slot isn't particularly important to me, I plan to be around for the whole event. Frankly, I wish it were longer.

I'm hearing a lot of people wanting to play Agon... so I guess I'll step up and just run it. At least I will have a chance to run throught it and find out what needs retooling before putting it up to the higher standards of veteran Forgizens.. heh. The adventure I'm writing is geared for 4 players, no demigods (pregens, in fact), and I'd like to stick to that UNLESS I feel super comfortable after running it at CoDCon, and then I might be more flexible about that. The GM has a very specific budget in Agon that is based on the number and starting "level" of the PCs, but I can probably work around that if I need to by just piling on extra Strife. We'll see.

I see James, Clinton, and Doyce, which leaves room for one more (for now)...


I'll be bringing The Great Dalmuti too, if anyone gets interested in that.  I haven't played that game since high school :D



Clyde L. Rhoer

Hi folks,

I'd like to run Lacuna second attempt in slot one (09:00 to 12:00). I haven't played or run it before so it could go badly. I also will bring Silence Keeps Me A Victim for the playtest slot. This would be a not even close to being finished playtest. It will likely be more dialog than play.  I'd love for someone to run Burning Empires. I've read the book twice but the one time I've tried to run it went badly as I don't have a good enough grasp on the rules yet.

This thread is getting a bit confusing for me. I made this spreadsheet on my wiki. When you have a fixed time for a game feel free to add your game to that page. You don't need an account, anyone on the interwebs can edit that page, so please play nice. If you have any problems with it send me a P.M.

Theory from the Closet , A Netcast/Podcast about RPG theory and design., Clyde's personal blog.



I'd love to sit down face to face and playtest or whatever about Silence Keeps Me A Victim.  count me in on that.

I write games. My games don't have much in common with each other, except that I wrote them.

Nev the Deranged

I'm in for Lacuna.

I forgot, did I mention I'm also interested in Spirit of the Century? Cuz I am. All these damn webcasts keep getting me psyched about this game and that... it's driving me mad, I tell you, MAD! @_@


Doyce, I'm certainly in for TSoY.

I'm not sure exactly when I'm leaving Sunday afternoon, so the last slot on that day isn't good, but any other time is fine.

James, I'd love to play Death's Door. I bought it last FMW, read it, had really good intentions to play it.



This one is for Aaron/Kesher, Dave/Nev, and Clinton, for scheduling TSoY.  I'd like to do this during either the 2nd or 4th (slightly longer) slot on Saturday.  Chime in, guys.

Also, I'd like to have either a group email conversation or a forum thread (maybe over in CRN games?) to determine whether we should (a) do chargen at the table (b) do chargen/make decisions about preferred locale prior to play (c) go for total GM-pregens -- does that work?
Doyce Testerman ~
Someone gets into trouble, then get get out of it again; people love that story -- they never get tired of it.


Would I be the only one who would really prefer to NOT see all the games arranged and players sign up BEFORE the actual convention.

1) I'd hate for people who aren't in the electronic loop to arrive in Chicago and find most of the games were filled up weeks ago.

2) and the Con really had a nice "pick up game" kind of feel to it last year that was somewhat chaotic but left lots of room for mingling and such.

I personally would prefer a "game day" kind of atmosphere vs. a "preregistered" atmosphere.


Totally works for me -- I didn't know what the precendent was.

Actually, maybe that's the larger question I want to ask:  how do folks usually prep for this kind of convention?  Get some names and do some pre-con chargen to save time at the table?  Come with pregens?  Come with situation and some blank character sheets?  Maybe just try to remember some writing utensils and copies of the games you want to play?  What's the norm?  How did it go down last year?

I ask merely for information -- I'm cool doing it however it's Usually Done.
Doyce Testerman ~
Someone gets into trouble, then get get out of it again; people love that story -- they never get tired of it.