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Soldiers in Iraq seek materiel for ZigguratCon

Started by Robotech_Master, April 19, 2007, 02:38:48 AM

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Just thought I'd pass this along in case anyone here wanted to help them out. They essentially have almost no gaming material whatsoever, so it might be a nice opportunity for some of the indie publishers here to ship along some of their books as a goodwill gesture. (And maybe some dice and things too.)

David Artman

Do the POD providers have the option to forward shipment to a location other than the address attached to the purchasing bank account? If so, then anyone could donate a book, straight from the PODs.

Perhaps folks who do so could post here (or at that live journal) so that they don't get too much overlap?

Oh, and no offense to the designer... but maybe Carry should stay off the list? :}

Designer - GLASS, Icehouse Games
Editor - Perfect, Passages


Jettcat copied my entire LJ entry without attribution, but I'm cool with it as long as it spreads the word. :)

I've set up a web site as a clearinghouse at:

The convention is June 9th, and the post office has special provisions for mailing to Iraq.  I'll check into the POD situation and post it at Toys4Troops.

Jae Walker

David Artman

Follow-up: Looney Labs is offering to handle bulk shipping of items "bought" at their online store for the troops:

Basically, order something that equals the dollar amount you'd like to donate, set the Ship To to the address for the Con (listed on LL home page), and put in SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS that you want your order to go to Ziggurat Con. Looney Labs will deduct the shipping charge, use your dollars to "round out" the selection of games--so they don't, say, get 500 Fluxx decks and only 2 Treehouse sets--and then add about 20% more product to the order (effectively making your dollars work at wholesale prices), and bundle it all in one shipment, for which they are picking up the tab.

Of course, it'd be great for folks to donate ANYTHING. But this particular "group buy" makes your dollars go a LOT further, in the long run. And mayhap the troops could use some light, hippy fun in lieu of combat/conflict/hack-and-slash RPGs (which they will, surely, have in spades).

POD Notion Follow-up: Is it possible for the game designers publishing through POD to offer "at cost" options, for the Con purchases?

Thanks for reading;
Designer - GLASS, Icehouse Games
Editor - Perfect, Passages


Folks might be interested in knowing that a selection of titles (about 20 total copies) carried by IPR are being shipped to ZigguratCon.


Hi Jae!  Thanks for passing out those business cards last weekend.  You got me motivated.
Yesterday morning I mailed off my own personal donation -- a set of dice and all the RPGs I had that I don't play anymore, which included Vampire, Call of Cthulhu, Cyberpunk, and all 3 core AD&D books.  And I wrote about it on my blog to encourage my friends to donate.