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[ENOCH] Play-testers needed!

Started by ChadDubya, May 21, 2007, 11:40:53 PM

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Hi gang,

I have recently made available the first incarnation of ENOCH, a mythical post-apocalyptic RPG. It may be downloaded at

I am looking for play-testers to help me continue to develop the game's system and setting. If anyone is interested, please post here or PM me, or email me at the address available at the Enoch wiki.

Additionally, once the wiki is up and running, I will be looking for players/playtesters to populate the world of Enoch with their own vision. I have claimed a tiny part of Enoch's Earth (the Seattle area), and will leave the rest open for fan consumption.

Thanks for taking a look!

ENOCH: Role-playing the Second Genesis