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[GenCon 2007] The Forge Booth - Menu Update - Please Read!

Started by iago, June 07, 2007, 12:05:11 AM

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I've put together a spreadsheet with the information I'll be using to construct the Forge Booth's menu.  I need all this information to be complete before the end of June (though ideally before the end of this WEEK would be awesome).

Here's the information from the spreadsheet:

If you are participating in the Forge Booth, it is vital that you check the above URL and look over your information to ensure it will be accurate.  I've got somewhere around 15 publishers whose information is incomplete, so there's a statistically strong chance that if you're a part of the booth, you need to give this a look!

Please also note that in an effort to build a complete price-list, my pull from the IPR product database was somewhat indiscriminate.  I don't (yet) know how complete of a catalog IPR will be bringing to the convention, though I do believe the intention is to have at least a few copies of everything.  If you're a "worrier" like me and you want to be sure your game *is* brought, make sure to contact IPR and say so, just to keep it on IPR's radar (that said, if you've participated in past years and Brennan brought your stuff and you were satisfied with that, you probably have nothing to worry about this year). 

I've also indicated on here where products are currently (June 6th) listed out-of-stock at IPR.  If you're expecting IPR to supply your games, take this as a nudge to set your plans in motion to make sure IPR has your game in stock throughout the summer convention season!

If you have any updates, corrections, concerns, or questions about this list, please contact me ASAP at evilhat AT gmail DOT com.  I'm going to start work on the menu tonight, so the sooner you get me any new info, the better!

Ron Edwards

Thanks Fred! This is good timing and good work.

Best, Ron



This looks great!

I need to look into the final deadlines for everything regarding GenCon. After Ron gave me a brief email nudge the other day, I'm seriously looking into how I could make it work.

Ron Edwards

Hi Christian,

The official deadline is now over, but I will extend a little bit for you. No hard sell, just letting you know - we have to get the final $$ to GenCon, as well as the badge list, very soon.

Best, Ron


Heya Fred,

Cutthroat and Hierarchy are both $12.00





Ah, if only I could edit. :)

Behold! The list of menu items has grown and been updated.  At least five publishers are still lax in getting me their pricing information.  Only two weeks left to do so!

I've also updated the menu preview PDF in the interim.  Here's the new version:

If you're a part of the booth, please take the time to look over both of these documents and let me know BEFORE the end of June.  All errors and oversights will become writ in stone (or, at least, ink and paper) come July, so please please please make sure your information is accurate.




One slight correction, if there is still time, Cutthroat and Hierarchy are both only $12.00 not fifteen.  Thanks, Fred! :)




Quote from: Troy_Costisick on June 14, 2007, 11:02:48 PM
One slight correction, if there is still time, Cutthroat and Hierarchy are both only $12.00 not fifteen.  Thanks, Fred! :)

There's time.  Thanks, I'll make sure to take care of this.

Paul Czege

Hey Fred,

It's a small correction, but I usually lowercase the "with" in My Life with Master.


My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans


It looks good.  It's not impossible that the softcover will be available in addition, but if it is I'll make sure to let you know.



Don't know if you'd want to include it, but the ENnie nominations will be out by the 9th of July at the latest- you could mention them (and any Diana Jones or Origins) nominations/wins in your advertising...
An ENnie vote has as much meaning as a dollar bill - that is, it's worth what you choose to value it at. -clash

The Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ("The ENnies")


Quote from: Denise on July 03, 2007, 03:41:45 AM
Don't know if you'd want to include it, but the ENnie nominations will be out by the 9th of July at the latest- you could mention them (and any Diana Jones or Origins) nominations/wins in your advertising...

Good point. I'll keep an eye out for that!


If you want to use the ENnies logo to denote nominated products, you're welceome to do so.
An ENnie vote has as much meaning as a dollar bill - that is, it's worth what you choose to value it at. -clash

The Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ("The ENnies")