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[GenCon 2007] [Indie Passport] When's best for the prize drawing?

Started by iago, June 28, 2007, 09:18:05 PM

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I'm looking for a time on Sunday that will be best to do the prize drawing for the Indie Games Passport.

Is anything going on at Sunday noon that would conflict?  Is that a bad time?


My guess is, you're much likelier to get better attendance on Saturday.  By Sunday, a lot of people are heading HOME.



Quote from: GregStolze on June 29, 2007, 12:56:41 PM
My guess is, you're much likelier to get better attendance on Saturday.  By Sunday, a lot of people are heading HOME.

True, but until most of Saturday has come and gone, not everyone has gotten a chance to visit the 9+ different locations (especially if one of them is "go play a game in Games on Demand").  That's why the back of the passport has contact information for an entrant to fill out; I'll take care of delivery.

But if enough people suggest against Sunday, we can try to tweak it.  I just expect there to be even more conflicts on Saturday...

Joshua A.C. Newman

Yeah, I think end of the day on Saturday is the way to go.
the glyphpress's games are Shock: Social Science Fiction and Under the Bed.

I design books like Dogs in the Vineyard and The Mountain Witch.


Quote from: Joshua A.C. Newman on June 29, 2007, 02:32:53 PM
Yeah, I think end of the day on Saturday is the way to go.

Anyone conveniently have the scheduled times for things like the Indie RPG Awards announcements, the Ennies, the podcasters' get-together, etc?  If I'm running the passport giveaway stuff, I need to make sure I don't conflict.

Clyde L. Rhoer

Hi Fred,

The two podcaster get togethers are a private one on Thursday night, and the open one on Saturday at 19:00.
Theory from the Closet , A Netcast/Podcast about RPG theory and design., Clyde's personal blog.


And when is the exhibit hall closed on Saturday?  I imagine we'd want to do it one hour before, unless that conflicts with something, if we went with Saturday.


Aaaand a resounding silence to my last question.

Does 3pm on Saturday sound good to the people who care?  I'm still concerned that that's not enough time for folks on Saturday to show up, hit 10 booths and do a Game on Demand experience, but it sounds like Sunday is a big bellyflop of an idea.  3pm on Saturday seems to be nicely timed, though -- and I need to commit with the GenCon folks as to when we'll be doing it.


I'm okay with it.  My suspicion is that the Saturday-only people would be a small percentage of the passporters anyhow.  If I'm going to GenCon for one day, I probably have an agenda already -- at least a vague one like "Play shitloads of M:tG!"  Cool as the indie 'port is, people aren't going to find out about it until they're at the con, by and large, so Saturday-only people won't really have a chance to complete it by 3:00.  But I don't think many of them would take the effort to complete it by Sunday, either.

Just my impression though.



Ah, good point.  I hadn't thought about the difference in attitude.

3pm on Saturday it is.

Paul Czege

Hey Fred,

I'm cool with whatever you decide. Personally, I think the drawing it should be early Sunday...maybe 10:30.

Have you printed the passports already? Scheduling this might be easier if the passport includes a section that participants could fill out to deputize a friend who can make it to the drawing to pick up the prizes, in the event of a win.

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans


Quote from: Paul Czege on July 28, 2007, 05:38:43 PM
I'm cool with whatever you decide. Personally, I think the drawing it should be early Sunday...maybe 10:30.

Sunday was my original thought, but I'd set it at noon because I know how hard it is to get up on the 4th day of a con.  I'm gravitating towards 3pm Saturday though; I think the case has been made well enough.

QuoteHave you printed the passports already? Scheduling this might be easier if the passport includes a section that participants could fill out to deputize a friend who can make it to the drawing to pick up the prizes, in the event of a win.

I haven't; the when-is-the-drawing thing has been the big hold-up.  This is a good thought; I'll see if I can make the room for it.