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[ENnies] Nominations for Best Publisher 2007

Started by Denise, July 02, 2007, 11:51:11 PM

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First of all, I have to say how happy I was to see such great Indie participation in the ENnies this year.  Special thanks need to go out to the good folks at IPR who helped the publishers get their stuff in.  That's what I like to see in a distributor!  Anyhoo, In order to encourage healthy discussion (and not just on EN World) I am hereby opening this thread as well as threads on a few other boards for nominations for the Fan's Choice Award for Best Publisher for the Gen Con EN World RPG Awards 2007.

Here's the rules:
-One voice, one vote. This means you can either nominate or second a publisher once per board. Pick wisely. If a publisher gets nominated once on ENWorld and once on another board, then I'll consider it seconded- unless it's obvious that it was the same person posting the nominations.
-During the nomination process, I will collate the nominations and post which publishers have been nominated and which ones seconded on the ENnies web site's Links page.
-Any publisher who released product during the eligibility period (May 1 2006-April 30, 2007) is eligible to be nominated whether they entered the ENnies or not.
-Sunday, July 8th, I will close the thread and compile its contents with those of the other designated threads to create the nominee list.
-Monday, July 16th, voting will begin to determine the fan's choice along with all the other categories. And just as with the other ENnie categories, you don't have to be an EN World member to vote- votes are tracked by IP. The voting period will last 2 weeks.
-Upon closing of the polls, the top five publishers will be notified and be asked to make plans for attending the award ceremony.
-The winner will be announced live at the ENnies ceremony Friday, August 17th at Gen Con Indy at the Indiana Roof Ballroom. All publishers and fandom are welcome to attend- your Gen Con badge is your entry.

When selecting Best Publisher, try and take into consideration not only the quality of product, but also involvement in the roleplaying gaming community at large and customer support. Feel free to explain why you have chosen a particular publisher for nomination. If you are a publisher, you may nominate another publisher, but not yourself. Please don't waste your voice- any nominations for ENPublishing will be gracefully declined. A publisher need only be nominated and seconded, so you don't need to do third votes. You're very welcome to elucidate upon why you approve of a selection that's already been seconded, and then nominate someone else.

This is not the voting process- that will start July 16th. This is merely a nomination thread.

Don't forget, these don't have to be d20 publishers, nor "large" press- so long as they released product between May of 2006 and April 2007 they can be nominated. Heck, they don't even have to be book publishers- Aid/Accessory producers are equally eligible.  Thanks again for participating- see you at Gen Con!
An ENnie vote has as much meaning as a dollar bill - that is, it's worth what you choose to value it at. -clash

The Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ("The ENnies")


FWIW, Burning Wheel has been nominated, but I don't think they got a second yet.

Evil Hat was nominated and seconded within minutes of me opening the threads.

(Haven't had a chance to update the website- just sneaking a look around the boards whilst at work <g>!)

Even if you don't think your choice of Best Publisher would surivive the popularity contest that inevitably makes up a people's choice award, please consider nominating your faves anyhow: their name will go up beside all the others, and it could mean some additional exposure for some smaller press publishers!
An ENnie vote has as much meaning as a dollar bill - that is, it's worth what you choose to value it at. -clash

The Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ("The ENnies")

Justin D. Jacobson

Well, that's just wrong.

If it hasn't been rectified yet, I'll second Burning Wheel HQ. Their fora and wiki are what every publisher should aspire to (not to mention, uhm, Burning Empires).
Facing off against Captain Ahab, Dr. Fu Manchu, and Prof. Moriarty? Sure!

Passages - Victorian era, literary-based high adventure!

M. J. Young

I'm going to nominate Dark Omen Games. I'm pretty certain the print version of Legends of Alyria came out during that time, and many of the ideas that were original with that game found their way into other indie games (some of them reaching the public before Seth's final version was posted). I think it a rather important and influential game.

--M. J. Young

Eero Tuovinen

I'll second M.J. - Alyria is well worth the vote.
Blogging at Game Design is about Structure.
Publishing Zombie Cinema and Solar System at Arkenstone Publishing.


I love the thins coming out of Ironwood Omnimedia!  I'm a loyal fan and customer, hopefully they'll get the respect they deserve. If their name hasn't yet been thrown in, consider this a nomination.

-JimRolls D14
"Real Men Fight With Dice!"


Thanks everyone, we're done!  I'll be uploading the final list later today (along with the othe nominations).
An ENnie vote has as much meaning as a dollar bill - that is, it's worth what you choose to value it at. -clash

The Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ("The ENnies")