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MACE 2007 getting geared up

Started by seawolf69, July 25, 2007, 07:22:32 PM

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Hey all,

As some of you already know, we love having you guys represented at MACE.  I am just posting here to remind you guys it's coming in November, we have new dates and that we have new forums.

MACE 2007
November 16-18, 2007

forums are located at

I assume that Andy still wants to run the Iron MACE Game Chef contest.  If you are out there, Andy, let me know.

I am not quite making the GM call yet, but I am just trying to get people thinking about it early.

Thanks again for all your support.


Andy Kitkowski

Thanks Ron!  MACE is always a fun, good time across the board.

I'll follow up with you in private on Game Chef via email this weekend.

Thanks. Please ping here again when you start making the GM/event call!

The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.

Eric Provost

MACE is awesome.  I love MACE. 

I was hoping to ramp up the indie game presence at MACE last year, but a financial issue kept me from attending.  But, I'm gonna try again this year.  If you're interested in running an indie game or playing in an indie game at MACE this year, let's talk about it.


Jason Morningstar

I'll be there are I'll be bringing Grey Ranks, the 2005 Iron MACE winner, now in print and available from IPR! 

MACE is great.