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Let's hear it for the Summer Revolution!

Started by Denise, August 21, 2007, 06:50:33 PM

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Way to rock the vote, Fred.  Congratuations on your well-deserved win!  Considering that you were going up against publishers who had probably ten times more of a market share than you, you should be proud that you managed to inspire such loyalty and passion in your fans to garner a win!

I really do think that the true value is in the nomination, and I've seen some truly gorgeous product get lots of nominations but not a single win.  That said, getting on stage must've been pretty sweet!  It was great to meet you and your team, too.

Thanks for your support of this year's ENnie Awards- see you next year!

PS- I only got home six hours ago, and I have to go back to work right away, so it may take me some time to update the site, please forgive me!
An ENnie vote has as much meaning as a dollar bill - that is, it's worth what you choose to value it at. -clash

The Annual Gen Con EN World RPG Awards ("The ENnies")


Thanks, Denise.  The Summer Revolution wouldn't have happened without Luke Crane.  He conceived of much of the campaign and got the site art resources together, and I took that ball and ran with it... I'm just glad the profile of so many indie games was raised thanks to their inclusion in the Ennie Awards process.

Jason Morningstar

It's a lot of things, but one part of it is a validation of the work you've done to include this community, Denise.  So thanks for that!

(Evil Hat needs no further congratulation from me!)