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Third print supplement - maybe

Started by Ron Edwards, June 20, 2002, 08:54:02 PM

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Uncle Dark


That's just the point.  What you say is only true if it's the opinions of others which is the test of transgression.

What I'm getting at is that "Sorcerer's ?" ought to include some discussion of different ways relationships and roles can be transgressed against.  This is going to be bound up in how a given group defines Humanity.  Some groups might elevate social mores to natural law, and declare that some acts are transgressive no matter who does them or why, or whether anyone ever finds out about it.  Other groups might feel that it is the sorcerer's own internal concept of right and wrong which are the test of transgression, and loss of Humanity reflects a growing sociopathy.

Reality is what you can get away with.

Ron Edwards

Hi Lon,

Check out the "Oh the Humanity" threads in the archives of the old Sorcerer mailing list, at the Sorcerer site. I've been over this ground before.



Quote from: Uncle DarkThat's just the point.  What you say is only true if it's the opinions of others which is the test of transgression.


If you'll read back over my post, you'll find that we're in agreement. Essentially, what counts as transgression is contextually defined.  Compare Chasing Amy and The Maltese Falcon to see the different contexts on films. Come live in East Lansing, MI for a full year and see it in real life.
Clay Dowling - Online Campaign Planning and Management