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[GenCon Oz 2008] and Games On Demand

Started by muddlepud, October 02, 2007, 03:04:15 AM

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I'm starting to throw this idea around at the moment and hoping to get a few more ideas generated.

I'm planning to attend GenCon Oz in 2008 and I'd like to run something like the Games On Demand area that I've experienced at GenCon Indy over the last couple of years.

Basically I'm wanting to help promote/support the Indie games I've been into and others I haven't had a chance to check out. At this point I don't think I can be a seller of such games since it might be expensive to get into that (but I have yet to do my research). What I'd like to do is really just show off these games and point people in the right direction to be able to purchase these games.

I have a big stack of games that I've brought back with my from GenCon Indie over the last few years and a handful of PDFs. Of course it will be easiest to run the games I have, however I'm not trying to exclude anything in particular.

I'm trying to get a team together who will want to help me in this endeavour, but there will probably only be a small group of us and many many games to show off.

Has there been any other discussion about getting Indie games represented at GenCon Oz next year?
Scott V.
Melbourne, Australia

Andrew Smith

I've contacted IPR about this and asked for more information about the Indie Press Gang experiences they've had.  There are some mentions on the IPR forum about the IPG in non-USA conventions and I wanted to find out the experiences that Brennan Taylor had with them.  No response yet, but I'm hopeful.

The big thing that concerned me was that I might be the only person who wants to promote indie games at GenCon Oz.  That would make it a large task.  However, since you seem keen on the idea, how about we work together on this?  I'm sure we can run a variety of demos.  At the moment, my collection of indie games is not comprehensive, but that can change.



I'm planning to attend Gencon Oz, and I hope to have my indy game up and running by then.

I'm just wondering who to get in contact with, and whether I'll have to fork out exortbitant amount of money to buy a booth, or something like that. I'm wondering how much this is going to like a trade show and how much it will be like the cons we've come to know and love (or how much it will come to resemble the old school Aussie cons of the late 80's, early 90's that a lot of people now mourn).

Either way, I'm planning to play some games, hopefully run some games, and "fingers crossed" promote some of my own work.

A.K.A. Michael Wenman
Vulpinoid Studios The Eighth Sea now available for as a pdf for $1.

Andrew Smith

Have you been to the GC Oz website yet?  The structure is there, but they haven't enabled all the features yet.  The call for events was opened recently and they watch the boards fervently.  Here's the link.


I've had a bit of a look over the site. The call for events is what inspired me to get a move on working on this idea.

Working with others will be good for this. I'm trying to drum up a few friends from Melbourne to come up to work on this. They're considering it at the moment, but more will be good.

If we get enough people, we can try running both demos, and somewhat larger games as per Games on Demand. I've been running demos in small doses at Arcanacon and Conquest this last year so I know the interest is there.
Scott V.
Melbourne, Australia


I haven't checked the GenCon Oz website for a few weeks. I guess it's time to head back over and have a look.

A.K.A. Michael Wenman
Vulpinoid Studios The Eighth Sea now available for as a pdf for $1.

Andrew Smith

OK, so there are three of us who seem keen to run indie games at GenCon Oz.  I'm expecting something from IPR about this next week.  When I hear back, would you like to hear about it?  Maybe through PM?


I have at least one friend that was certain to run something with me also and a few other 'maybes' at this point. I've started making a few enquiries to GenCon Oz about what they might be able to do for us for such an event. They said someone will contact me soon about it, and that they would like more detail on how it might run first and what we might need.
Let me know what you find out.
Scott V.
Melbourne, Australia


Count me in definitely, PMs if necessary, but if we keep the discussion public there's a good chance we might lure a few more outsiders into the group.

A.K.A. Michael Wenman
Vulpinoid Studios The Eighth Sea now available for as a pdf for $1.

Andrew Smith

Great!  Now we just need to figure out the kinds of events we can offer (one shot sessions? demos?) and the number of people available to help run them.  Begin luring at once.  ;o)

Peril Planet

Hey!  I only just found this thread.  I am intending to head on up to Brisbane from Newcastle for Gencon and would love to help out with running demos and generally talking up indie games. 

In regards to costs of booths, exhibitor requirements etc. the Gencon Oz website has a document detailing a bunch of info.  Just click on "Exhibitors" and scroll down to the bottom of the page and the links there.

Let me know if you want an extra pair of hands, teeth or a small, well manicured beard.

Writer; Gamer; Lunatic.  Not necessarily in that order.


I guess I won't be trying to ply my wares at Gencon Oz, even if I do get a game ready in time for the convention.

$2000 or so, for a regular booth...I hope they aren't charging people to GM.

I realise this is fairly cheap in comparison to a lot of trade shows (having recently just been involved in organising one), but it certainly rules out a lot of the independant crowd. Besides, I would have thought role-playing was too much of a niche market to warrant this type of budgeting level.

I'll be interested to see the actual supplier turn-out based on these numbers.

A.K.A. Michael Wenman
Vulpinoid Studios The Eighth Sea now available for as a pdf for $1.

Andrew Smith

I was speaking to a local (Brisbane) comics and games retailer last week and he seemed quite keen, almost adamant, that he was getting his store to GenCon.  And I don't think he's the only one.  So it appears as though there is some genuine retail interest.

Peril Planet

Yes, the money looks intimidating at first, perhaps because we haven't really seen anything of this scale in the gaming scene in Australia (not to my knowledge anyway).  That said, I think a lot of retailers will be keen to get floor space - at least those that know the reputation of Gencon.  If I had a finished product and was ready for the next step, I would be very tempted to fork out the cash for a booth.

And while role playing IS a bit of a niche market, it is still a part of a pretty big industry, including card games, board games, wargames and all the rest - and there be gold in them there hobbies!  :)

Of course, if there were several people interested in plying their wares, Vulpinoid, cost sharing is always a possibility...
Writer; Gamer; Lunatic.  Not necessarily in that order.


Quote from: Peril Planet on October 18, 2007, 11:43:12 AM
Of course, if there were several people interested in plying their wares, Vulpinoid, cost sharing is always a possibility...

From what I'm reading, the nearest current convention that we have in comparison to the Gencon idea is something like Supernova which is based around comics, sci-fi and pop-culture (in Sydney, Brisbane, and possibly other cities but I'm not sure).

Supernova has an "artists alley" for independant comic creators which is separate from the stalls and is designed to help out the fledging comic artists and companies from the local market.

I'm going to be enquiring if there will be anything similar to see if GenCon is able to help nurture an under-nourished local gaming development scene.

A.K.A. Michael Wenman
Vulpinoid Studios The Eighth Sea now available for as a pdf for $1.