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[GenCon 2008] Lodging

Started by btrc, February 10, 2008, 09:49:51 PM

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As Ron mentioned in the other thread, rooms through the Housing Bureau are sometimes problematic if you aren't registered as an attendee. I suggest as people get or find decent hotel deals they share them here. I've just booked a room at the Sheraton City Center (the last one, apparently), and if I can't find a better deal elsewhere downtown, I'll definitely be looking for room sharers. With tax, the room is an even 200 smackers per night. Ouch. I'd like to split that as many ways as practical...

As you look for rooms, definitely drill down through the hotel web pages for discounts and special offers. For instance, the Sheraton that's about 10 miles out of town has a "stay three nights, get the fourth free":

and it just happens that you have to stay Wednesday through Saturday night to qualify. Perfect for GenCon.

Greg Porter

Nev the Deranged

So, I'm curious if we are doing monkeyships again this year? Two years ago we weren't, but I did anyway. Last year we were, and I chose not to. This year I might like to again, as last year's experiment didn't quite work out as I'd hoped, but I also don't want to be in the way, since every year we've had monkeys, there have been too many.

Mostly, it just seemed like all the dinner and gaming plans got made after the attendees had cleared out of the hall, and I could never pin anybody down on anything, and as a consequence, I didn't really get to hang out or game with Forge folks as much as I would have liked. Which, it turns out, is a big part of why I go to GenCon, and I missed it.

Anyway, I dunno if that matters as far as badges/registration, and therefore housing.

Is it just me, or does the housing scramble start earlier and earlier every year?