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Started by Ian.Plumb, February 27, 2008, 09:28:55 PM

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Back in its glory days The Riddle of Steel had an amazingly active forum on The Forge. There is a wealth of material here on TRoS in particular its design and the ideas behind its design. Then TRoS went out on its own to trosforums. And there's a gazillion posts over there. As far as we can determine though that site is no longer maintained -- new users can't register, for example.

So I've set up a new forum over on That's alleviated the problem of people not being able to register and join the discussions and attachments can be uploaded once again. However it means we now have three forums where answers to TRoS questions may be found.

Is there any chance I could get a hold of a backup of the TRoS subforum from here to make available as an archive over on trosfans?

Many thanks,

Ian Plumb


Maybe! Let me investigate. I've got a lot going on, so give me a couple weeks before you remind me, okay?

Forge tech admin



Actually my hat is off to you for even considering it!

Many thanks for taking the time to look into this and I'll set my calendar with a two week reminder notice.




Not hassling in any way -- just a gentle reminder. I hope we're still on your To Contemplate list!




Still hoping that we're on your To Contemplate list. Would love to know whether this is within the realms of possibility.

Many thanks!


I can probably arrange, like, an XML file for you. I gave it a shot this afternoon but it was taking a long time and my workday ran out, so I'm not 100% it'll work. I'll try again.



Hi Vincent,

Quote from: lumpley on May 05, 2008, 10:36:49 PM
I can probably arrange, like, an XML file for you.

That would be absolutely fine. Many thanks for your time and effort on this -- I really do appreciate it.
