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[GenCon 2008] Forge Booth: Still Seeking Product and Price Info

Started by iago, July 22, 2008, 04:29:55 PM

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Appreciate it, Steve. I just need to get back in town from California first before I can get my bearings enough to know what needs doing.

Ben Lehman

Hey, Fred:

Just so we're clear, I'm okay with you selling Polaris apart from TABAW at GenCon. I was toying with a marketing strategy but decided it was a bad idea.

Also, no one else should be carrying copies of Polaris at GenCon. So no extra copies other than what IPR thinks it can sell (I imagine, given TABAW, that sales might be better this year than expected.)



Jason Morningstar

I'll be bringing 200 copies of a "Demo Guide" listing all the games available for demonstration, with a few words about each.  I think it'll be handy for people working the booth to familiarize themselves with the assortment as well as for customers.  It all fits on a single sheet of letter, booklet folded for four sides.