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DragonCon 2008

Started by SaintandSinner, August 02, 2008, 05:31:48 AM

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 I will be running the following games at DragonCon in Atlanta, August 29 - September 1, 2008:

Strike Force: DAGON
Type: Role-Playing Games (Non-RPGA)
Game System: Don't Rest Your Head
Duration: 4 hrs.
Start Times: Friday 6 PM (Slot 3)
Deep Cover, Antiterrorism, Guerrilla, and Operational , Narco-conspection (DAGON).  You have just been selected for the most elite strike force ever created.  Now you just have to survive training.  Drugs, sleep deprivation, stress all in an attempt to break you.  This stuff was so locked off you don't even know really what your missions will be like but they must be intense.  The last set of training got weird though, you kept seeing things at the edges of your vision and last nights sleep deprivation just about got you to crack.  Can't let them see you falling apart or you'll wash out.  Stay tough and don't talk to the nightmares. 

Roses and Thorns
Type: Role-Playing Games (Non-RPGA)
Game System: Houses of the Blooded
Duration: 4 hrs.
Start Times: Sat 1 PM (Slot 6)
Young, beautiful and dangerous. Shara Yvarai's coming out party is an opportunity for Romance, trade, Contracts... and murder. Your Count (or Countess) wants a Contract with Shara. Convince the young baroness to sign a Contract of servitude or face the consequences.   

Ancient Secrets
Type: Role-Playing Games (Non-RPGA)
Game System: Amber DRPG
Duration: 4 hrs.
Start Times: Sat 6 PM (Slot 7)
You are the Cildea, the Children of Power. Your parents created, shaped and once ruled the Universe when many of the Powers of today were not yet born. After the Falling many of these Great Races left this universe, never to be seen again. Their mantle and powers have fallen to you whether you acknowledge this or not. Some call them Faeries, Dragons, Ghosts, Vampires, Demons, Angels, Wizards. This is only a shell of your True Being. Children of Amber and Chaos, you know only fragments of your lineage. Now a strange call pulls you into shadow. You feel a darkness lurking upon the horizon. The lands of Shadow and Substance are your home and your parents' greatest achievement. Now, you gather together to see who among you will lead, who will follow, and who will Fade. 
This will be a continuing campaign set in the Amber universe.  Please see website.

Children of the Blood
Type: Role-Playing Games (Non-RPGA)
Game System: Amber DRPG
Duration: 4 hrs.
Start Times: Sun 6 PM (Slot 11)
You are the children of Amber, just beginning to learn your way in a myriad of shadows and lies.  The game is set in the "pre-history" of Amber when Oberon was king and many of the "elders" were still young.  Learn the ways of the court and live through the epic battles of Corwin's youth. 
This will be a continuing campaign set in the Amber universe.

Dog Days
Type: Role-Playing Games (Non-RPGA)
Game System: Dresden Files RPG (alpha playtest rules)
Duration: 4 hrs.
Start Times: Sun 1 PM (Slot 10)
I know, I know.  You agreed to help out Harry while he was out of town but how did a case of a missing pooch turn into a turf war between lycanthropes, vampires and faeries?  And what are you going to tell him about Bob?  All Hell has broken loose and some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed.