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DC Residents GO HELP!

Started by David Artman, September 23, 2008, 07:02:59 PM

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David Artman

If you live in the DC area, PLEASE go join these guys, like RIGHT NOW! They are likely to be arrested any minute, if there's no witnesses to support their message. I also suspect they'll be arrested before rush hour and after-work folks can see/join.
Designer - GLASS, Icehouse Games
Editor - Perfect, Passages

Ron Edwards

I'm leaving this up for completely political reasons of my own. I'll be taking it down in a day or so.

Everyone, please don't make such posts a common thing. And, Dave, it would have been good at least to notify me first.

Best, Ron

David Artman

Sorry, man--I didn't think to request permission on a "General" forum (what is it for?). And this is rather time-sensitive--they could already be in jail. Notice how there's NOTHING on or MSNBC (I didn't bother to check Fox, for obvious reasons).

Thanks for keeping it up--and in 24 hours, it won't matter anymore (they are only staying there for a 24-hour protest, and they began at 7:30 this morning).
Designer - GLASS, Icehouse Games
Editor - Perfect, Passages

David Artman

DOH, now I see--I misclicked Site Discussion, in my rush--I meant to click Conventions (seemed the closest thing). Feel free to move as appropriate, of course.
Designer - GLASS, Icehouse Games
Editor - Perfect, Passages