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Trinoc*coN 10 - Raleigh, NC - July 3-5, 2009

Started by David Artman, February 04, 2009, 07:15:35 PM

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David Artman

Hi, folks;

As some of you may already know from Story Games, I'm the Gaming Chair for Trinoc*coN, and I want to have a really strong Indie Gaming Track at Trinoc*coN this year. I think it's the most significant (if not profitable :) ) movement in gaming; and further, I think it can be a strong way to bridge what has historically been a gulf between the authors and artist and the gamers at this con. After all, you (we) all ARE authors and artists!

As a first major step, I am seeking the following:

1) Someone to help me coordinate the Indie Gaming Track. This will mainly involve coordinating other indie publishers for panels and helping to advertise around the web (we have an Ad Chair for other channels and for general con advertising, rather than gaming-specific).

2) Folks who would like to be Guests on the aforementioned panels. Do three, get in free--and I think the slots are only, like, an hour or an hour and a half. GMs have to do more to get in free (three slots of 3-4 hours).

3) GMs to start thinking about what they'd like to run--do three slots, get in free. I'll have a "for real" Game Registry running about, say, three months before the con (mid-March-ish); but it doesn't hurt to start thinking about finishing up those ashcans or prepping for players unfamiliar with the game(s) you want to run.

All that said, I am mainly "Indie" focussed, here. I will be taking the call to "trad" RPG sites as well, mainly for GMing; and I will be in touch with a few product line reps I know for other activities (White Wolf, MET, WizKidz, CCGs) and with other sites for board and mini games.

Five months and counting to the Big Tenth Anniversary, where I want to prove the NC/SC/VA is an Indie hub! Please help where you can!
David Artman
Designer - GLASS, Icehouse Games
Editor - Perfect, Passages

David Artman

No one? Beuller? Beuller?

Not a single Forgite is in the NC/SC/VA area?
Designer - GLASS, Icehouse Games
Editor - Perfect, Passages


Me! Me! I will do whatever you ask. Command me.
Rafael Chandler, Neoplastic Press
The Books of Pandemonium

David Artman

OK, then--be the Gaming Guest of Honor!

Folks, announcing Rafael Chandler, author of Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium and the soon-to-be-released Spite: The Second Book of Pandemonium. He will be speaking in at least one presentation and Q&A of his own, and possibly in a lit/gaming crossover panel with horror author(s) and artist(s) (TBD). Best of all, Trinoc*coN will be auctioning six (6) seats at a Saturday night game session where Rafael himself will GM a never-before-seen scenario for Spite! Wouldn't be surprised if he runs another session or two over the weekend, using published or privately played scenarios, too.

But you'll all miss it because you'll be at the beach! :P
Designer - GLASS, Icehouse Games
Editor - Perfect, Passages