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(GenCon Indy 2009) Indie Games Explosion and Games on Demand

Started by SaintandSinner, March 11, 2009, 03:06:15 PM

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Indie Games Explosion and Games on Demand will be at GenCon09 and we need your help. Anyone who is submitting events that would like to be in the 'indie games area', please change your group to "Indie Games Explosion" or email (Attn. Derek Guder, Event Programming Manager) to let him know to change this designation. The more events we get under one banner the better chance we will stay in the same area and be a noticeable presence at the Con.

We have requested tables for Games on Demand Fri 10am-2pm and 2pm-6pm, Sat 10am-2pm and 2pm-6pm, and Sun 10am-2pm. We need table custodians to monitor this area and to take up tickets. Please, please consider covering at least one slot. We really need 2 (two) people per slot to ensure coverage and many hands make light work. Scott Acker (Saint&Sinner) will personally pay your way into another Games on Demand slot for every slot you cover as a custodian.

Any designers or companies that would like us to be able to run their games should contact us and get us some play/GM experience, game materials, swag you want distributed, etc.  We want to be able to showcase your game to an interested player but we need your help to be successful. 

We should also have a few GM badges for the people who go above and beyond or for those who might not make the Con without a little help. If we run our events well GenCon will be much more likely to keep events such as ours in the program. This sort of visibility can be very important to the growth of our hobby.  For additional information, you may contact Scott at or post here any comments.

Thanks again for everyone's hard work. We look forward to seeing you there.
The Play Collective and Scott


The signature line should read:

"Indie Games Explosion, Games on Demand, and The Play Collective"


Please be aware that the event submission cut off for GenCon is March 20th. The website says there will be limited space available so the earlier you submit your event the better. If you do put in an event please remember to list the group as "Indie Games Explosion" so that we may keep everything together.
