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Forge Midwest 2009 Retrospective

Started by Willow, April 14, 2009, 04:28:28 PM

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So, how did Forge Midwest go for everyone else?  What can we do to improve it next year?

Having it on Easter Weekend was unfortunate- there were lots of people who probably could have made it otherwise, and some who could make it had to leave before Sunday.  Next year Easter is on April 4th, so we'll have to make sure to schedule later in the month.

Was the hotel good for everyone else?  I thought it was even better than last year- more water, some nice renovations.

I think one room on Friday, two on Saturday, and one on Sunday worked very well.

Ron Edwards

My list goes ...

1. Agreed, not on Easter weekend. Someone mentioned that later in May would mean the Michigan ferry would be running, which is an important consideration.

2. Same hotel, totally.

3. More promotion. This year was kind of a "bye" that way, as most of us were slammed with any number of other things. But some discussion about that in January would be good, as well as a number of priming activities at other cons and websites.

4. At least one concrete activity that acts as a draw. I'd prefer to keep it down to just one, as Forge Midwest really is just a great big "gamers game" event and that's a good thing. But one cool thing to want to see or be at would be helpful.

I want to stress for this thread that, as one of the founders, I am not interested in growth as a dedicated goal for this event. Clearly, the more people who have fun at it, the better, but that should be a side effect of the fun and not because more people got pumped into it. Instead, I think this discussion should aim at making sure that people know what the event is, making sure that people who would like doing that feel welcome, and making sure that it's organized in time for people to plan to go.

Best, Ron


Hotel - good, responsive staff, loved the waffles (even though the waffle maker tried to attack me), it's economical and there is plenty of parking.

Games - The control freak in me wants a more set schedule so I can plan better (and maybe play more).  On the other hand, I played 3 terrific games (and missed out on one because I felt crummy and needed a nap - so that was my call).

I still wish they had a restaurant/bar so that a larger group could comfortably hang out/drink/socialize without cramming into anyone's room.  OTOH, BYO is a lot cheaper. :)

I had a great time, and some good, interesting discussions.  And Ron ran Sorcerer!

Willow, I'm eagerly awaiting the release of Tentacle City.  I can't wait to inflict it on the locals (though I do still feel somewhat dirty...).  As for Poison'd - old age and treachery will win out every time!

I need to get the photos from Amanda, and then I'll post another of my Forge "who was that and what were they doing" photo spreads.



Ron, how do you feel now about the cost of the conference rooms?  Is a donations cup enough to keep Forge Midwest a "free" event?

As for scheduling slightly later next year...

Michiganites, what day does the ferry start running?

I missed gaming with Emily and Tobias this year.  What are the dates for Fastaval and Knutpunkt 2010?

Ron Edwards

Oh, good point. For those who weren't there, we put out one of the water cups onto a table and Tim wrote "Donations" on an index card to set by it. When people asked me how much, I said, "Figure $10 or whatever else you want to add onto that." At the end of the con I picked up the cup.

The money collected turned out to be practically on the nose for the costs. It was a glorious and perfect grassroots event in that regard. I intend to preserve the "Best Western plastic cup sitting unmonitored for hours" method. fpr this event. Well, perhaps not the unmonitored part so much again.

Best, Ron


Okay, quick thoughts.

  • Hotel - Like I told Ron, as far as I'm concerned, the hotel is perfect forever.
  • Timing - As a Michigan person, the ferry seemed an attractive option, but the rates have recently risen as to make it a difficult choice. (Something like $400 for two people and a car, saving very little time factoring the loading/unloading/etc,) If others still see it as a viable choice, it starts running the beginning of May. As far as I'm concerned, schedule next years con whenever doesn't conflict with other events/holidays and we'll be fine.
  • Game Scheduling - Thinking about this on the ride home, I think a bit of the scheduling issues could be mitigated with some technology use, a twitter message like #forgemw Running Mouse Guard in 15 minutes
  • One Big Draw- Sure, I suppose that inherently this is a good thing, but my favorite parts of Forge Midwest are the more intangible parts. I had the best time of the weekend(year) from mongolian barbeque Saturday night, to talking with Ron and Time and Time and Willow Sunday, and no gaming or events slowed me down.

Other than that, best Forge Midwest ever. Pretty much as soon as next years dates are set I'll reserve our hotel room. Also if any help is needed logistically, I'm willing to do what I can. I'm not local, but I do have a lot of time on my hands.