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Forge Midest 09 report

Started by Robert Bohl, April 15, 2009, 08:52:57 PM

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Robert Bohl

Here's my little report, pasted from my LJ, about my experience at FMW this year. I was going to put it in the retrospective thread, but that felt more procedural/planning:

While I was at Forge Midwest this year, I took a bunch of pictures. I also Producer-ed a game of Primetime Adventures set in a matriarchal society where everyone was vying for the Queen's attentions, and/or to usurp her. It was sci-fi, but the whizbang theatrics were largely backgrounded. I had a ton of fun. At the outset we had a bit of a problem with negation but we worked it out by the end.

I also played in a game of Zombie Cinema (good, if too brief), and a fairly high-tension game of Mouse Guard where I had a flash of insight on how to scare away a monster.

It was a great weekend.
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