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Alternate Order of Action

Started by red_herring, May 28, 2009, 03:02:05 AM

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As a house rule, my group has opted to change the initiative system. Instead of dictating the action order by weapon type (Sword then Spear then Javelin then Bow), we simply reverse the positioning order. Therefore, the Hero who wins the Positioning check not only moves last, he also gets the first attack.

We combine this with the semi-official rule change that allows the position winner two moves. Of course, this makes Athletics all that much more critical, and while it hasn't thrown off play balance, we certainly have fewer Heroes wearing greaves. Thoughts?


John Harper

Sounds fine to me! I would expect the Sword users to complain a little, since going first is their good edge over the Spear. But if the players like it, it's all good.
Agon: An ancient Greek RPG. Prove the glory of your name!

Darren Hill

This sounds like the perfect thread to mention that alternate Armour/Positioning rule you mentioned over at story games, John.


Quote from: John Harper on June 04, 2009, 12:16:49 AM
Sounds fine to me! I would expect the Sword users to complain a little, since going first is their good edge over the Spear. But if the players like it, it's all good.

That does take away a distinct advantage from the Sword. However, the Swords biggest advantage--the flexibility to use both d6 for attack vice splitting them--still makes it at least comparable with the Spear.


John Harper

Oh, right, Darren. Good point. Here we go:

Everyone has a d10 Positioning die by default (it's not based on Athletics). Each piece of armor you have lowers your position die by one size. So, one piece = d8, two pieces = d6, and three pieces = d4.

Still haven't playtested it.
Agon: An ancient Greek RPG. Prove the glory of your name!


Quote from: John Harper on June 04, 2009, 10:20:46 PM
Oh, right, Darren. Good point. Here we go:

Everyone has a d10 Positioning die by default (it's not based on Athletics). Each piece of armor you have lowers your position die by one size. So, one piece = d8, two pieces = d6, and three pieces = d4.

Still haven't playtested it.

That's a great addition, one that I'll incorporate into my next game. We almost always forget to apply penalties from armor to attacks or positioning checks. I've toyed with the idea of just giving a +1 bonus for Heroes who don't wear armor so that a Hero in a breastplate would get 2d6 base sword attack instead of 2d6-1. That said, I like your option much better.

Introducing a new group to Agon next Wednesday and starting a Trojan War campaign. We'll see if they can stretch their Fate scores across the eight planned adventures that culminate with the destruction of Troy.

John Harper

Trojan War! Nice. Let us know how it goes.
Agon: An ancient Greek RPG. Prove the glory of your name!