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I'll be at U-Con in Ann Arbor, MI on Saturday, November 14th

Started by Paul Czege, October 16, 2009, 07:19:53 PM

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Paul Czege

I'll be at the University of Michigan's U-Con gaming convention in Ann Arbor, Michigan on Saturday, November 14th. The convention actually runs from Friday the 13th through Sunday the 15th, but I'm only going to be there on Saturday.

Here's the seminar I'm running:

<ul>How To Have Fun with Indie RPGs
Saturday the 14th, 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.

What's an ashcan? What's "actual play"? It's an RPG without a GM? Like other indie communities (music, comics, etc.), the creator-owned, self-published ("indie") RPG scene is both influential and sometimes impenetrable.
In this seminar, Paul Czege, lifetime Michigander and the designer and publisher of the Diana Jones Award Winning RPG, My Life with Master, will explode the arcana of the community, the dynamics of its convention scene, and give you insights into selecting and finding fun with the unconventional games that are secretly influencing the traditional RPGs you're currently playing.</ul>

And here's the game I'm running:

<ul>In a Wicked Age
Saturday the 14th, 5:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.

Pulp sword-and-sorcery roleplaying. The In A Wicked Age game system creates character arcs that feel like stories in a shared-world anthology. We'll create characters and try to get through two arcs in this session, so you can see how it all works. Run by Paul Czege. No experience necessary. Adults only.</ul>

Let me know if you're going to be there, even if you have time conflicts for my events, so we can meet and say hello. Also, I could be convinced to run a pick-up two-hour game of Misery Bubblegum earlier on Saturday if there's interest and we can find a table.

And Danielle could probably be convinced to run Kagematsu, or Primetime Adventures. (though maybe there's still time for her to get sessions into the schedule and do them as registered games), or a quick game of Bitch.

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans