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Where are the articles?

Started by elenius, December 24, 2009, 02:08:56 AM

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Several post refer to an "articles" link at the top of the site, but I don't see it. I did find this page:

which has an "articles" link, but it leads to a blog with a few reviews. I'm looking for the page that has the classic GNS articles etc. What happened to it?

Christoph Boeckle


Since Vincent migrated the Forge to a new host, he has been working on a solution to bring back the articles. In the meanwhile, you can consult the articles using the Wayback Machine.

Moreno R.

The reviews blog is... interesting. It will become the next articles section? Or it's only an experiment?

(Excuse my errors, English is not my native language. I'm Italian.)


When I get the articles and reviews back online, I'll announce it. Meanwhile, Christoph, thanks for the Wayback link!


Moreno R.

I have a little feature request for the future articles section. Playing with the wayback machine, I discovered that once upon a time, the oldest articles had the exact date of writing (you can see it following these link:
The Nuked Apple Cart:  19 May 1999
System Does Matter : 14 July 1999
War Stories  : 18 February 2000

Later, these essays lost the date.  Could you please restore it?  (and maybe Ron could write some sort of introduction to the articles, to explain their genesis and the fact that it's an historical archive. It does trip a lot of people up...)

P.S.: bonus link: the oldest Forge snapshot kept by the wayback machine: 29 april 2001:

(Excuse my errors, English is not my native language. I'm Italian.)


I like to accommodate feature requests when I can, but right now I'll be happy just to make them available again.
