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Where would I post "game-find," questions.

Started by Quizoid, February 07, 2010, 11:30:01 PM

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Right now, I'm looking for free RPGs with an indie-bend.  I'm looking through free rpg sites, but having a hard time finding the kind of game I like.

I came on here to post this question, but, there doesn't seem to be a spot for it.

Is there a spot for "game recommendation requests," or the like on here?  If not, why not, and what would be a good forum to go to if that's outside of the forge's scope?
"Theory is very important because your theory ultimately determines what you can see." - Albert Einstein


If you could describe the type of game and play experience you're looking for with an Actual Play example, then the Actual Play forum should be fine (I think).

Otherwise, would be a great place to start such a discussion.

Gametime: a New Zealand blog about RPGs

Ron Edwards

This service should exist here, and it used to, long ago. Vincent and I are working on a replacement.

Steve's suggestion isn't ideal, but at the moment, it'll work, at least, and it has the unique benefit of being absolutely clear regarding what you enjoy.

Best, Ron


"Theory is very important because your theory ultimately determines what you can see." - Albert Einstein