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Playtest of Tim Denee's Final Stand

Started by Kenway, August 02, 2002, 03:45:20 PM

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[continued from indie rpgs forum]
   Energy vs Actions Points:  My friend and I concentrated on Action Points, thinking initiative was important to victory.  The way we played, starting first allowed someone to dictate the flow of the fight.
 We might have placed too much emphasis on blocking and trying to get a sizeable dice advantage over your opponent.
   Consequently, Energy didn't seem that important to us.

   Short Round Lengths:  Most of the time was spent planning your next move!  Mechanically, the game moves very quickly.  There really are lots of options available and you have to plan several moves ahead.

[to be continued]

Tim Denee

Excellent, excellent.

I might change it so that it's random who gets initiative, just to even up the usefulness of energy and action. I'll see how actual play goes.
