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Kayfabe is a fricken blast

Started by FruitSmack!, August 22, 2002, 07:07:21 AM

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Got Kayfabe at GenCon and tonight we just played it.  Damn that games a blast to play.

Lets see, we had Tag Team match between Wicked Evil (Nemsis and Reaver) and R.A.F. (Cecil Weatherbottom and Mark Scones), a screw-job between "Sugar Ray" Trav Campbell and Justin Luck (which BTW led to an out and out brawl between the ref who screwed it up and Sugar Ray), Some great interviews from Merlin "The Wizard" Morgan, Bob Farnsworth and Jimmy "Psych" Mike, and of course the...


Ray Braddock, Shootfighter extrodinare v. Lance "The Flame" Johnston.

All-in-all it was one of the best 2 hours of gaming that Ive had in a while.  

Kudos to you Matthew Gwinn

Visit my homepage where I keep all my homebrewed RPG stuff.

Ron Edwards


Kayfabe may well be the sleeper hit of the year, from the Forge. Considering all the great games to emerge in the last six months, that's something to be proud of.


Matt Gwinn

QuoteAll-in-all it was one of the best 2 hours of gaming that Ive had in a while.
QuoteKayfabe may well be the sleeper hit of the year, from the Forge. Considering all the great games to emerge in the last six months, that's something to be proud of.

Thanks a lot guys.
I'm glad people are enjoying the game.
I'm looking forward to hearing about more actual play.

,Matt Gwinn
Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game
On sale now at


Oh and BTW, I do have one thing that came up that Id like to look into, Matt.

Maybe its just my group for the night being all discriptive and getting into the game or maybe I did something wrong, but after the game we realized that the heat raises that the characters got were enough that even their non-jobber yet still dinky wrestlers make it a pain to get them into the roster for the next show.  

I see two things with this...

1.) I didnt do After match Heat for the wrestlers right (Im 99% sure I did, though).

2.) The roster limit might be a litlle low (Resource of production x 10 = roster limit).  

Granted, we played one game and were just thinking about this after word and talking about the next show.  

Just wanted to bring this up incase I was a moron and did something wrong.  

Just giving a bit of feed-back.

Aaron B.
Visit my homepage where I keep all my homebrewed RPG stuff.

Matt Gwinn

The Roster limit of 10 times your promotion's Resources is ONLY applied when you initially create the promotion.  After that there is no limit.

Once a wrestler is part of the promotion he stays a part of it until he gets fired or quits.  Adding wrestlers requires you to use Advancement Points which can be gained by increasing your promotion's Heat or by getting rid of current members of the roster.  

As it stands the Resources trait has no other uses and can not be increased or reduced.  More specific rules for the use and potential increase/decrease of the Resource trait will be covered in the Promotor's Handbook which will have rules for merchandising, loans, product endorsements and other financial matters.

Hope that helped.

Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game
On sale now at



That makes more sense.  Like I said, I was being a moron.  

Thanks for the help.


edit:  Looking back at the book I see, now that you explained it, how it works.  Kinda hard to grasp.  That's all.
Visit my homepage where I keep all my homebrewed RPG stuff.


I think I'll explain a little bit about what happened in the game.  Aaron was playing the booker, and there were two more of us playing.  We each sat down and made characters, probably between ten and fourteen a piece.  I knew the basics of the rules, but Aaron was the only one who had actually read through the book.  We set up a ppv and then sat down and chose the wrestlers we wanted.  We couldn't afford any of our experienced wrestlers which kind of shocked us, but we were low budget and the event WAS being held in a highschool gym.  

Then we sat down and started to write the storyline for the night.   The other player had a hard time getting the concept that we were roleplaying the writers and not trying to negotiate the best thing for the characters that we had made.  We also had to become very creative in trying to take up the time.  We decided to have a screwjob where the referee(who had two in wresting, and trying to become a wrestler), would have a fast count and allow a jobber to beat a fairly well respected wrestler.  Throughout the episode after the match the wrestler was chasing down the ref to try and make him pay.  One of the last matches ended up being the wrestler finally catching up with the ref and making him pay.  

We then sat down as the characters and started reacting to the storyline.  Unfortunately, most of the characters were happy, and the only complaint came from the shoot fighter who didn't think he should basically lose and only win because of a screw-job.  The roleplaying led to a misunderstanding between how the match was supposed to finish and bad blood brewing between the two wrestlers.

The the actual episode began.  The fights went fairly well.  Everything went as planned until the match with the shoot fighter in it.  The shoot fighter ended up breaking the other wrestlers nose and hurting him quite a few other times.  He also ended up forcing a change to the end of the match.  

That is about it.  Overall, like Aaron said we had a good time with the game.  

travis farber