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Sorcerer and Stores

Started by soundwave, September 09, 2002, 09:51:19 AM

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Okay, here's my dilemma:

I want to buy Sorcerer. I want to support Ron's efforts in creating the game, and therefore I want to buy it in such a way that he and the game get the maximum possible benefit from my purchase. I could buy the game from the Adept Press site, or I could have my FLGS (Ace Comics & Games, Brisbane, in case anyone's interested) order it in and buy it through them. Either way (presuming Ron won't charge me extra for postage because I live in Australia) I pay the same price for the book.

Ron, which would you prefer? I would presume you'd get a larger cut of my US$20 if I order it from the website. But you're also into supporting retailers. Which is more important? It's no penalty to me whichever way I do it (except I might have to wait a little longer to get it sent from the US), so I figured I'd find out which would best support the game.
Adrian Forest
Freelance Writer At Large

Ron Edwards

Hi Adrian,

Welcome to the Forge, and thanks for speakin' up here.

This question has cropped up before. You'll find my answer in the I got it! thread, in reply to Zak Arntson.
