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Size of Rules & Stuff

Started by Christoffer Lernö, September 21, 2002, 02:47:41 PM

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Quote from: Pale FireI was thinking more of "rule of thumb" guidelines. I want to know approximately where I'm heading.

Amount of pages for the mechanics for example, can indicate bloated game text, mechanics or both.

Unfortunately I only have in my hands a few simple games and not any of the more bloated examples.

I don't know if 80 for example is "fat and a lot of room for background" or if it's already restrictive.

Most existing games sum up there central mechanic in about 4 pages tops.  This varies depending how much effort goes into making it readable; some systems read like tech manuals and some are like a conversation.

Most rule sets have extensions or addons.  By extensions I mean considerations of the implications of the systems or discussions I mean how they play out.  By additions I mean chunks of mechanics; this is especially pernicious in the context of combat in that there you find a rule for interpreting range into the central mechanic.  You may or may count gadgets and the like as system - spells, machinery etc.  These can be huge, and are arguably background.  Magic systems, some of which contain totally different mechanics, are often also addons.  Explaining most systems for doing and getting magic is probably done on a page or three.  Lots of colour can extend this radically.  Combat systems vary very widely depending on the specifics; I would think that most modern contemporary combat systems come in at something like 2-4 or 8-10 pages, depending on how in detailed they are.  Character generation systems are often longer than a few poages - understaning how to build a character probably takes about 2 -3 pages in Blue Planet and 10 pages in Conspiracy X - character examples and options take up a lot of space.  But thats all gadgetry; they released a whole book of stuff for characters (a thick one).  Vampire had 7 clans with about 3 pages per clan, L5R had 7 clans with about the same.  All of this is influenced by the poresnece of artwork, though.

Anyone else?  Sound right?
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- Leonardo da Vinci