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Started by MARS, July 24, 2001, 04:36:00 AM

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Don Lag

Well besides using mainly Elfman for music, I plan on having Players fill in the less volatile data on the character sheets with crayons, I think that should be fun enough and pretty wicked if you've already set up a spooky enviorment >:)

Also, I'll require each player to have an identifying toy on the table. Both as a roleplaying prop and eventually as a marker whenever specific positioning might be necessary (I'm obviusoly not thinking combat, but I guess it might be needed sometime).

This game is just so fun even just thinking about it!! I can't wait to order as soon as I get a few bucks together :smile:
Sebastian Acuña

Jason L Blair

Also, I'll require each player to have an identifying toy on the table.

That is too sweet! A couple people at the con playtests brought toys and I think it helped them stay in character quite well.

Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer

Fabrice G.

For music, you can try the "City of the lost children" soundtrack.
Hell, just look the movie. It's great!!

Tim Denee

When I run this game, I'm going to give each player a differently coloured mini-tub of playdough with which to sculpt a crude figurine of their child.
The texture, smell, and colours of playdough never fail in taking me back to my childhood.


i'm new, still awaiting the delivery of the book, and already absorbed by what i've been able to glean from the forums...the Kings, Defilers, innocence the 'coin of the realm'.  man, i'm *already* hooked. ;)

the topic of props for the game came to me almost immediately as well.  if only for their potential as something for the players to grab onto and reassure themselves with, toys seem almost mandatory imho.  

here are a few i've considered:

army men, a slingshot (not to be used on other players, bad boy), a princess tiara, the "private investigator" kit complete with id and plastic cuffs, jacks, paddle balls.

(also someone before me mentioned crayons and play-do...BOTH excellent!)

i mean seriously, the list goes on and on!  even household items can be perfect. Candles set the mood, but heck, why not buy the small box of pink birthday candles...or maybe the big wax "7" or "8" if it's a birthday-themed session!

on the other end of the spectrum, there's a hairbrush...a ruler...the belt.

there could potentially even be an tub or 'toy box' the player could pick an item from during the character creation portion of the game to determine something about their character.

ahhh, the possibilities..

as far as music goes, i really don't think i could bring myself to using ANYTHING i even remotely thought my players would recognize.  i'm pretty sure i'll check out the local thrift shop for a kids phono and some old childrens records (mmmm...scratches and skips...creepy) and go with some older stuff i know the players won't Brian Eno, or those "sounds of the forest" earthy CD's you see for relaxation. then there's the old standby, a broken music that without the players noticing during a tense scene in the game and i GUARANTEE a reaction!

anyway, i'm almost giddy with anticipation to dive into the book when it gets a child on Christmas, so to speak.
Kreg Mosier


I had a friend run a game of Little Fears, and it was a birthday theme.  He went out and found a bunch of old toys.  Everything from board games to transformers(the original ones) to stuffed animals to anything else he could think of.  He had us playing the board games and stuff.

I think that it really helped to get into the mindset.  Later on when all the creepy stuff started taking place, it was definitely much creepier.