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Profiling, fall 2002

Started by Ron Edwards, October 10, 2002, 08:32:46 PM

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I'll assume and only post the face to face RPGs
(I've played lots of solo-game books, wargames and boardgames mainly due to availability, isolation and player willingness).

Quote from: Ron Edwards
What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

D&D (redbook) and Fighting Fantasy (the 1984 orange book).

What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, have you enjoyed the most?

Fighting Fantasy.

What three role-playing games that you have NOT played would you most like to try at the moment?

Hero Wars, Traveller (original) and Advanced FF (modified to a single contested mechanic).
"It's toe tappingly tragic"
-Dr. Zoidberg, Futurama