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Profiling, fall 2002

Started by Ron Edwards, October 10, 2002, 08:32:46 PM

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Ragnar Deerslayer

*** Last 3 ***
Rough Magic (GM)
Metal Opera (GM)
Star Wars d6 (GM)

*** Favorite 3 ***
GURPS Reign of Steel (GM)
Riftwar homebrew (Played!!!)
Star Wars d6 (GM)

*** Next 3 ***
Riddle of Steel
All Flesh Must be Eaten
Final Stand

Ragnar Deerslayer is really Mark Murphree, a mild-mannered English professor at a small college in Northeast Georgia.

Michael Bowman

Last played: Hero Wars, Call of Cthulhu, Shadow Earth (a homebrew Godlike/Cthulhu game)

Most enjoyed: Castle Falkenstein, The Pool, Hero Wars

Most want to play: Nobilis, Universalis, my LotR game using The Pool

Matt Snyder

Last Played
The Riddle of Steel
Dust Devils

Most Enjoyed
Call of Cthulhu

Want to Play
Hero Wars
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra


Last Played: Big Eyes, Small Mouth; Shadowrun; The Riddle of Steel;
Most Enjoyed: Theatrix; The Window; Alternity;
Want to Play: Nobilis; Wild Talents; Mechanical Dream;

A lot of this is news to me...

omnia vincit amor
The Enclave


Last 3 played:  d20 Judge Dredd, D&D 3E, Godlike demo

Enjoyed the most:  GURPS, Feng Shui, D&D3E (but this last only by virtue of exhaustion of options)

Want to play:  InSpectres, Unknown Armies, Riddle Of Steel


Last Three: D&D,, Buffy rpg if 1-hour demos at GenCon UK count. Otherwise, Cthulhu (Delta Green)
Most Enjoyed: Nobilis, Vampire, L5R
Wanna play: Sorcerer, Exalted, Inspectres

Silent Tamatama

Last played:

My Life With Master
Wuthering Heights
the World the Flesh and the Devil

Most enjoyed:
AD&D 2nd ed.
My Life WIth Master

Most want to play:

that's about it right now

Christoffer Lernö

Last played: Shadowrun, Earthdawn, Rolemaster

Most enjoyed: Robotech, CoC, Pendragon

Want to try: HeroWars, Slayer of Dragon, Yggdrasil (please stupid designer, finish it sometime soon! :) )
formerly Pale Fire
[Yggdrasil (in progress) | The Evil (v1.2)]
Ranked #1005 in meaningful posts
Indie-Netgaming member


Last Three:(Decending)
Amber ontop of Hero (Bad idea)
Castle Falkenstien

Best Three:(INPO)
Sorcerer :(

Wanaplay Three:(INPO)
Sorcerer,Hero Wars, Donjon!

Firstnames in the sig.

Peter Nordstrand

Last played: Hero Wars, Pendragon, Drakar & Demoner (swedish game).

Most enjoyed: Hero Wars, Call of Cthulhu (BRP), Over the Edge.

Want to try: Castle Falkenstein, Sorcerer, All Flesh Must be Eaten.


/Peter Nordstrand
Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.
     —Grey's Law


Last played: Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG, D&D 3e, Hercules/ Xena RPG

Most enjoyed: Runequest, Star Wars D6, Traveller

Want to try: Sorcerer, Little Fears, Castle Falkenstein

Thanks again for the great forum!


Last played: Blood of Heroes, Inspectres, D&D3E

Most enjoyed: Blood of Heroes, Everway, Magna Vitae

Want to try: Unknown Armies, Dread, Little Fears


Michael S. Miller

Last Played: Everway (Player), Donjon (GM), FVLMINATA (GM) (see thread on ShoreCon 2002)

Most enjoyed: Mage (Player), Theatrix (GM), FVLMINATA (GM)

Most Coveted: Paladin, Orkworld, a player-driven espionage game (perhaps Donjon/Spyz ... hmmm, do I smell a mini-supplement?)
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!

Thor Olavsrud

Last Played:

BESM, Exalted, Blood of Heroes

Most Enjoyed:

Exalted, Mage, EarthDawn

Want to play:

Sorcerer & Sword, Feng Shui, Final Stand

Jeffrey Miller

Quote from: Ron Edwards
What are the last three role-playing games that you actually, really played?

- Ars Magica
- Donjon

Quote from: Ron Edwards
What three role-playing games, out of ALL the ones you've EVER played, have you enjoyed the most?

- Ars Magica
- Deadlands
- Aberrant

Quote from: Ron Edwards
What three role-playing games that you have NOT played would you most like to try at the moment?

- Sorceror
- Castle Falkenstein
