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Sword and Sorceror Stand Alone?

Started by catenwolde, November 03, 2002, 03:44:41 PM

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I'm just about to order Sword & Sorceror (having spent years trying to make every system under the sun work for Howard-esque fantasy) and wanted to make sure I didn't need Sorceror with it.




You do need Sorcerer with it.  Sorcerer & Sword is a supplement to the main game.

Pick 'em both up.  They're worth it, really.


Thanks Paka, I'll do just that.  I noticed you're in Ithaca - I'm a Cornell alum from a bit back, and still venture out to visit every year or two - is it snowing there yet? ;)  Hey - is there still a gaming store in the Commons?



Glad to help, Christopher.

I PMed ya some Ithaca info and hope that S&S works out for ya.

I'll be running a game in it tonight, actually.  The game is a whole bunch of fun and everyone I've introduced to it has enjoyed the looseness of the system and the creativity it encourages.

Combats were espcially bloody, messy and fun.  After running a one-shot of S&S a few friends of mine and I played in a D&D game the next day.  At the game my friend said, "Man, I miss last night when my character could crush men's skulls in his hands."

Fun game, please post how it works for you or any thoughts or questions.  This forum is a pretty cool place for feedback and ideas.

Ron Edwards

Hi Christopher,

Thanks for showin' up and asking questions here. Judd (Paka) has handled the issues already, so I'll just say hi and look forward to any questions or comments.
