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Regalia : A sticky glossary?

Started by razgon, December 18, 2002, 08:23:23 AM

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I'm relatively new to these boards, although I registered quite some time ago, but have been away for...well a long time :-)
The reason I never really got into these boards, was that you have a VERY steep learning curve :-) Your terms (stance, GMS, IC/OCC mode and so forth) are very hard to understand, at least for me they are. I remember feeling a bit that the boards where kind of elitist.
Now, I know thats a negatively impacted word, but I'm just trying to convey the feeling I got the first time I was around here :-)

My idea was, that in each forum, you should have a sticky, briefly outlining the terms that reflects the contents of that particular forum, so that newcomers would have at least an idea of what was going on.

oh, about the title, I read Ron's statement about starting each new thread with this labelling mode :-)

Other than that - Hello, nice to be here, looks like a great place, if one understands the jargon ;-)

Yours sincerely
/Flemming Madsen
Vp Lidium
/Flemming Madsen
VP Lidium

Emily Care

Welcome (back) to the Forge, Flemming,

There has been a lot of interest in a glossary for the Forge. You may have seen  this and that thread.  The favored model seems to be one with a brief description of said term and lots of links to related threads.  I'm not sure where they were going to go so putting them in stickies at the start of the various forums is a good suggestion.  

It's good to hear from you as someone who came in without prior exposure to all this gaming jargon. What helped you overcome the steepness of the learning curve without a glossary available? I'm glad you weathered it. :)

--Emily Care
Koti ei ole koti ilman saunaa.

Black & Green Games


Quote from: Emily CareWelcome (back) to the Forge, Flemming,

There has been a lot of interest in a glossary for the Forge. You may have seen  this and that thread.  The favored model seems to be one with a brief description of said term and lots of links to related threads.  I'm not sure where they were going to go so putting them in stickies at the start of the various forums is a good suggestion.  

It's good to hear from you as someone who came in without prior exposure to all this gaming jargon. What helped you overcome the steepness of the learning curve without a glossary available? I'm glad you weathered it. :)

--Emily Care

Lol, well I didn't say I had weathered the steep learning curve yet, did I ;-)
Well, I have a little, but strill struggle with a lot of the concepts, as I can see some people on the board do as well, due to different interpretations of them.
Basically, what happened to me was I got more involved with the creation of our rpg, hence some of the term suddenly give meaning, seeing them in the light of my experiences. When I last visited here, I was basically a sort of product manager, overseeing and organizing, doing marketing research and such for our organisation.
Then I became more involved in the actual process of making the rpg (actually, its a sideproduct to our fantasy that I'm working on) and this helped me understand a lot more.

Thanks for the welcome Emily, I will be sure to visit these boards more than I have previously.

And I hope my suggestion carries some merit and if implemented, sheds some light on what I think is the single most confusing issue at the fora here :-)

Yours sincerly
/Flemming Madsen
VP Lidium
/Flemming Madsen
VP Lidium