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Donjon game setting.. possibly?

Started by r_callen221, January 25, 2003, 09:02:27 AM

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This is for all the people who've played Donjon before-
    I just recently purchased the .pdf version of Donjon, and have skimmed through it (so.. hard.. to read.. on screen.. ;) ). I find it very open-ended as far as rules and gameplay go, and I'm very excited about running an adventure with it. My gameplay setting and couple of questions are as follows:
    I'm ripping off Squaresoft and am going to use one of their Final Fantasy settings for the game because my players and I are all avid fans (and one PC *has* to have her anime fix). I want to know if Donjon would hold up under a semi-serious, possibly long running campaign. In terms of character creation and abilities, it looks great, the players being able to  chose their favorite abilities directly from the game they love and having the possibility to make up their own. Also, with the players' knowledge of the game, I figured they would be able to handle the player narration part fairly easily. These were the things that got me into thinking about Donjon to begin with.

    I'm trying to cater to my players' tastes as well as easing them into roleplaying in general; hence the "known" setting. In your opinion, would Donjon be a good base for this type of campaign? (as a P.S. here, I'm not going to be following the console game's storyline; I will be paralleling it with the one my gamers and I create with use of Donjon's unique narrative rules)

  Trying to be the Good GM ~Chase

Ben Morgan

Donjon's effectiveness at creating humorous fantasy stories is well documented here, but I think that it also has the potential to create serious campaigns as well. As long as everyone's clear that this is the intent, and sticks to it, things won't degenerate into silliness (the converse being that if they *aren't* clear on this, it WILL degenerate). But then this is probably true of most games, though the tone in which a game is presented goes a long way to setting the tone of actual play; this is why I don't like the artwork in 5th Ed Paranoia as opposed to eariler versions (play ends up being quite cartoony).

As far as the proposed setting is concerned, it sounds cool to me. I could see a player having something like "Mysterious History" as an ability, and they could roll it whenever they wanted to have something about their past come to light.

Will there be chocobos?
-----[Ben Morgan]-----[]-----
"I cast a spell! I wanna cast... Magic... Missile!"  -- Galstaff, Sorcerer of Light