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Hobo rpg

Started by b_bankhead, February 05, 2003, 01:46:02 AM

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A little while ago I saw this mini game about hobo's, set during the had pool-like rules and I am thinking of running a couple of non-gamer friends though a scenario using this game but for the life of me I cant remember the name.  Anybody have any idea what it might be and where I could find it?
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Bob McNamee

Quote from: b_bankheadA little while ago I saw this mini game about hobo's, set during the had pool-like rules and I am thinking of running a couple of non-gamer friends though a scenario using this game but for the life of me I cant remember the name.  Anybody have any idea what it might be and where I could find it?

THis one?
Bob McNamee
Indie-netgaming- Out of the ordinary on-line gaming!

Paul Czege

Or this one?">Knights of the Road, Knights of the Rail

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans