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TV show offshoot idea

Started by Matt Wilson, March 05, 2003, 12:26:21 AM

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Matt Wilson

This game I'm working on depicts a space adventure TV show. While brainstorming ideas, I came up with a few that would work better as some sort of InSpectres spinoff.

Picture this: Instead of a spirit-chasing franchise, it's a TV show of some kind. The Franchise dice become Nielsen Rating dice, with which you can buy better special effects and so on. Also, if the show doesn't get solid ratings, it goes bye bye.

I don't know what the various cards would convert to. Maybe one would be "good script writers" to make sure the dialogue for social scenes worked well, and another would be "special effects budget," to supply cool gadgets and such. Instead of the Gym Card maybe you'd have personal trainers for the cast, so the audience believes they can do that badass stuff.


Jared A. Sorensen

Quote from: Matt WilsonThis game I'm working on depicts a space adventure TV show. While brainstorming ideas, I came up with a few that would work better as some sort of InSpectres spinoff.

Picture this: Instead of a spirit-chasing franchise, it's a TV show of some kind. The Franchise dice become Nielsen Rating dice, with which you can buy better special effects and so on. Also, if the show doesn't get solid ratings, it goes bye bye.

So it's a TV series inspired by InSpectres (like a cop show is inspired by police work)? Damn, that's recursive as hell but I like it.
jared a. sorensen /

Mike Holmes

Um, isn't that Nightwatch? OK, only one self-referential step away from Nightwatch?

Member of Indie Netgaming
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Jared A. Sorensen

Quote from: Mike HolmesUm, isn't that Nightwatch? OK, only one self-referential step away from Nightwatch?


It's similar. Of course, Nightwatch uses the 1st edition rules of InSpectres.

jared a. sorensen /

Mike Holmes

}Mike ducks out the door before Jared remembers that Geek Season also has not been converted to second edition{
Member of Indie Netgaming
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Jason L Blair

I'm looking at all those Mothra-Fakers who did cool stuff for the original InSpectres but have, as of yet, not converting The Coolness to the version of InSpectres that I play/possess.

So yo, all ya'll crazy bitches, get on it!!
Jason L Blair
Writer, Game Designer

Jared A. Sorensen

Hey, I recall I sent out a half-dozen free PDFs in exchange for cool mini-supplements...

jared a. sorensen /

Matt Wilson

Quote from: Mike HolmesUm, isn't that Nightwatch? OK, only one self-referential step away from Nightwatch?


Nightwatch, at first glance, sounds like a reality show or something. My idea was just for it to be a fictional TV show. The characters would be the actors playing roles in TV episodes, not news reporters.

Mike Holmes

I got that.

And I'm sure it would be a somewhat different experience. But there certainly are similarities as well. For example, I believe that in Nightwatch you are also bucking for ratings.

But, hey, write it up, and maybe it would make a good addition to the supplement of supplements that we're almost certainly going to get out this year like we didn't last year. :-)

Scott, I need to talk to you...

Member of Indie Netgaming
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