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Forum Party Game: Who gets the last word?

Started by ethan_greer, April 04, 2003, 08:27:47 PM

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This is not a traditional thread, in that I don't have any particular conversation in mind.  Basically, the idea is, at some point on April 7 this forum will be deactivated.  So, when that time comes, and if you're around, this is an invitation to cruise over to this thread and see if you can be the person who gets the last word in the birthday forum.

In the interests of this contest, it would be helpful if we could get an exact time that the forum will be closed by Clinton/Ron.

May the tardiest person win!

Clinton R. Nixon

The forum will be closed Sunday before I go to bed, which means somewhere around 10pm Pacific Standard Time.
Clinton R. Nixon
CRN Games


In the spirit of the Forge's birthday, i am posting!

Feel my power! lol

Lazy Smurf

Quote from: Clinton R. NixonThe forum will be closed Sunday before I go to bed, which means somewhere around 10pm Pacific Standard Time.

And that's sad.  I mean, an open forum where anyone can post, and it has remained totaly civil?  (Unlike some open forums that shall remain nameless, even if they rhyme with malignancy.)  I'll be sad to see this openess leave.

Then again... maybe someone who lives near our moderator can take him out on one of those 'all nighters' that ends up lasting for three weeks?
