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HELP! I can't remember which RPG this is...

Started by Sindyr, April 26, 2003, 04:21:01 PM

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I am not sure if I have posted this in the right forum(s), but I am trying to remember where I came across an interesting game, and thought this would be the place to find help on that.

As I remember, the dice mechanic was interesting. Here is what I think I remember, although one or more of the following may not be accurate:

    [*] I think the game said you can use whatever sided-dice you like, and I think in their examples they used d10s.
    [*] The player rolled a number of these dice, and the GM also rolled a number of these dice.
    [*] The player rolled a number based on his stats.
    [*] The GM rolled a number based on the difficulty, higher difficulty = more GM dice to roll.
    [*] The dice on each side weren't simply added. I can't remember clearly how the dice were compared. I think *maybe* it had soemthing to do with sets of dice. In other words, whoever had the most *matching* dice won. [/list:u]

    Does any of this sound familiar?



    OK, addendum...

    One thing I am certain of is that the GM rolls a certain number of dice based on the difficulty.

    IE, there is no difficulty "number" that the players have to beat.  The players simply have to roll better than the GM, and the GM gets more dice the more difficult the task is.

    So, although for a moment I thought Godlike was what I was trying to remember, I do not think it is the one I am thinking of now.

    Any ideas?


    Damn, I'm an idiot.  :)

    I think it's Sorceror I am thinking of - a game I do not have, but I must have absorbed through hanging out here.

    Gah.  Sorry for the disturbance.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

    Lance D. Allen

    Sounds like Sorcerer, alright.

    Er. Glad we could help?
    ~Lance Allen
    Wolves Den Publishing
    Eternally Incipient Publisher of Mage Blade, ReCoil and Rats in the Walls


    There might be another game out there, but what you describe is 100% sorcerer.  To dispell any lingering doubt.  Worry no longer.