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Hi-Fi or Sim Poll (split from Horseshoe 2)

Started by Jason Lee, May 30, 2003, 07:10:02 PM

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Jason Lee

I'm really curious about something as it relates to the Beeg Horseshoe Theory Revisited thread.

Quote from: Mike HolmesThat said, I was just going to say to Jason that I too tend to make decisions in the Hi-Fi/Nar corner.

That's two.

I'm gonna take a walk out onto that limb blowing around in the storm - the one that's about to snap - and say that almost all if not every current Simulationist could be more comfortably defined by High Fidelity|Story Now.

It's sort of a poll.
Chime in if you fit the mold and chime in if you think the Jason is full of crap.
- Cruciel


Limited to people on this site, or who are similiar to people on this site?
That might not be a completely absurd generalization.

But as a generalization about the gaming public at large.  I'd guess High Fidelity/Gamist is more common.

Mike Holmes

Quote from: ValamirLimited to people on this site, or who are similiar to people on this site?
That might not be a completely absurd generalization.

But as a generalization about the gaming public at large.  I'd guess High Fidelity/Gamist is more common.

Actually I'd think that Middle or Uncaring Fidelity/Gamist would be the most common. That is, they care about the challenge and will be Hi-Fidelity only when it doesn't interfere in any way with overcoming the challenge. And some don't go that far, focusing on the Gamism so much that they don't really consider the Fidelity angle much at all. Leaving their play with very mixed results. (That's why they kill the baby kobolds, jk).

Member of Indie Netgaming
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Paul Czege

How is High Fidelity|Story Now not El Dorado, the desire for story to emerge from the quiet hum of a system that doesn't break suspension of disbelief?

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans

Jason Lee

Quote from: Paul CzegeHow is High Fidelity|Story Now not El Dorado, the desire for story to emerge from the quiet hum of a system that doesn't break suspension of disbelief? is sort of like saying a Sim/Nar hybrid.  The distinctions I see are that there is no priority Transition going on and it doesn't necessarily relate to system.  Hi-Fi|Story Now is a single goal and I don't see why you would even need a system to play that way.  Though, I'm betting people who would define themselves as El Dorado players would be the same players who would define themselves as Hi-Fi|Story Now.


As for Hi-Fi versus Lo-Fi Gamists being the majority, not sure.  My experience is that Gamists aren't the majority anyway, but my experience is limitted to my age group / social strata.  But, of the Gamist approaches I'm familiar with Lo-Fi seems to be the majority.

I don't think Simulationists are in any danger of being defined as Lo-Fi, so the contest seems to be pretty much between Hi-Fi|Story Now and Hi-Fi|Challenge.
- Cruciel

Mike Holmes

Quote from: Paul CzegeHow is High Fidelity|Story Now not El Dorado, the desire for story to emerge from the quiet hum of a system that doesn't break suspension of disbelief?
Depends on definitions.

But for practical purposes that do not involve simultaneous sharing of power, this is the promised land as I have said before (Fang would get there by Going with a Fidelity that was High only via open illusion). What's still true, however, is that some decisions that are very Thematic, or very high Fidelity require lowering the other. That's still true; the corner remains somewhat elusive. What this means is that El Dorado is not a place on the map that you can stand all the time. It's only something that you can push for.

So as a cosistent play style, no it doesn't exist, IMO. But as an ideal, sure.

Edited to note that Jason said this better just above. Those who want El Dorado have to settle for HiFi/Nar. But that's just fine by me. Hero Wars isn't really HiFi, but high enough for me.

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