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Game Company: Why?

Started by ethan_greer, June 25, 2003, 05:12:47 PM

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So, seems like most indie games are published by a game company.  Why is this?  When I publish Thugs and Thieves to PDF, why would I need a game company?  Am I missing something obvious?


Financially speaking, incorporation gives certain benefits.

I don't, unfortunately, know exactly what they are.  But I know this is true.
Alexander Cherry, Twisted Confessions Game Design
Maker of many fine story-games!
Moderator of Indie Netgaming


Except that many game companies aren't incorporated, and I've seen on these boards advisements against incorporation.

Ron Edwards

Hi Ethan,

That's an excellent question.

Thing 1: If you're publishing a game from a website or another "from me to you" distribution format, a company name is no more than a means of name-recognition. You can use one or not.

For instance, when Sorcerer was a "pay for my PDF" game, Adept Press didn't exist - it was all just Ron Edwards.

If you don't make over a certain amount of money through this method, you don't even have to report the income on your taxes. Under these circumstances, your business is exactly the same, legally speaking, as a lemonade stand. Do you or don't you put "Tastee-Cool Enterprises" on the side of your stand? It's up to you and makes no difference to anyone who needs to care.

Thing 2: If your business does pull in more money than the ceiling, though, then you should get it designated a Sole Proprietorship company for tax purposes. In this category, you should give it a special company name, to keep the tax forms readable. This is not an incorporation; it's just a way to keep certain sets of your income compartmentalized.

At this point, considering the money you're making, a company name is arguably a promotional asset, in that customers are perceiving your business enterprise as a "thing out there" and might like to tag that "thing" with a name of its own. This is only an arguable point, though, not a rule.

Thing 3: Depending on the size of your profits and (more importantly) on the extent of your production costs, you can choose to incorporate. Adept Press is a corporation, defined as a one-man ownership. It gets taxed separately from my other (real) job, based on Adept-Press-only expenses and income. Again: I didn't have to do this, but given that print costs can be pretty savage in the short-term, it made the most sense.

One would also incorporate (and skip #2 entirely) if the company were to rely on partners, extensive employees, freelancers, or other complex schemata involving multiple people.

Hope this helps. By the way, I think your perception that "most indie games" are associated with a company is inaccurate. At most, a lot of them are using the "label on the side of the lemonade stand," which is a company only in the loosest sense of the word.



Yeah, I think most "companies" really are more like "Imprints" which is just a fancy publishing world term for what amounts to a brand name.


Cool.  Thanks for the info!

Daniel Solis

Quote from: Ron EdwardsIf you don't make over a certain amount of money through this method, you don't even have to report the income on your taxes.

Do you know offhand what that cap is?
¡El Luchacabra Vive!
Meatbot Massacre
Giant robot combat. No carbs.

Ron Edwards

Hi Gobi,

Qualifier: I'm not an accountant, not a lawyer, and not a tax expert. Do not use this post for actual advice.

As I recall, the amount is $400.
