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Game Designer Wives Support Group

Started by jdagna, July 01, 2003, 04:24:22 AM

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My wife came up with the idea for a support group for the wives of game designers during Origins and managed to get about half a dozen eager women together in 24 hours before the con ended.

The group would provide members with ways to
a) receive sympathy from others who have to share their husbands (or significant others) with an imaginary world
b) establish back-channel business connections between game designers

Anyone who is interested can e-mail Sally Dagna at or PM me and I'll pass it along.  It looks like the group will have a posting forum supported by GAMA (proof already that wives can get things done) and Sally is looking for additional resources from women's business groups.

As of yet, there's no clear mission statement, organization structure, etc. but early members will have an opportunity to help establish these.
Justin Dagna
President, Technicraft Design.  Creator, Pax Draconis


Hey! Maybe there can be a roleplaying game made from that idea! Lol!