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Getting my nephew into roleplaying via CAH!

Started by urbwar, July 15, 2003, 08:26:33 AM

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Cynthia Celeste Miller

Quote from: urbwarOk, got another specific question.

One of the Blaze's story hooks is that his powers don't work in water, or if he was covered in something that retards flame (ie like a fire extinguisher's foam). Would I include this as a disadvantage when designing the SA's themselves? I was considering adding this into the point costs for the Flame Blast, Fire Shield, and his flight, but not to the fire control power (since you rarely have a flame on water, unless you count oil fires, etc).

Would this be appropriate, or just leave that to the story hooks?

I'd go with making the weakness as a Restriction for the SAs.  That way, it's represented mechanically and you save CPs.  You could still allow it as a Story Hook as well.  Think of it this way: if he purposely gets into situations where this will affect his character or if he really roleplays the weakness enthusiastically, he'll get experience for it.
Cynthia Celeste Miller
President, Spectrum Games

Cynthia Celeste Miller

Quote from: Valamir
QuoteI have some other thoughts on the game so far. I was thinking of calling the series "Blaze of Glory". We also said that when he changes into his costume, the song "Disco Inferno" would play in the background (so each time he changes, "Burn Baby Burn" would be heard in the background, lol)

Then you can have the villain be from New Jersey and whenever Blaze is getting his butt creamed you can have that old Bon Jovi song playing...;-)

ROFL.  Talk about a double meaning.  Good one.  =0)
Cynthia Celeste Miller
President, Spectrum Games


Quote from: Valamir

Then you can have the villain be from New Jersey and whenever Blaze is getting his butt creamed you can have that old Bon Jovi song playing...;-)


I showed your post to my nephew. After laughing his ass off, he said that your suggestion sounds pretty cool. So looks like we have two cheesy songs for our cartoon now :-)
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Quote from: Cynthia Celeste Miller

ROFL.  Talk about a double meaning.  Good one.  =0)

My nephew loved the suggestion, so we're gonna run with it :-)
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Quote from: Cynthia Celeste Miller
I'd go with making the weakness as a Restriction for the SAs.  That way, it's represented mechanically and you save CPs.  You could still allow it as a Story Hook as well.  Think of it this way: if he purposely gets into situations where this will affect his character or if he really roleplays the weakness enthusiastically, he'll get experience for it.

I decided to go with keeping it as a Story Hook and a restriction to save points on the SA's for the not working in water or when covered with a Flame retardant. We discussed him roleplaying the double damage from cold, and he was agreeable to that (condsidering he only has 32 Hurt Points).

I wrote up his powers, which came out to 55 points. I decided to go with 100 CP's for the character, since he's an early teen superhero. After skimming through After these Messages, we talked about him taking a negative trait. He chose to go with a -1 in unarmed combat, as his character's secret id gets picked on by bullies (and he has some persuasion and stealth to try and hide and/or fast talk himself out of harm's way when they catch him). The character is almost done; I will probably post him once he's all statted out, and Anthony gets the background done (that's the only thing besides the traits he needs to do)

Here are the powers I came up with; please let me know if I made any mistakes in the CP totals for them:

Offensive Special Ability: Flame Blast
Power Level: Medium (4)
Bolts of Flame erupting from Blaze's hands
Damage Rating: 6 + 2 (8)
Range: Medium (2)
Bonuses: Auto Fire (6), Burst Fire (3)
Restrictions: Disadvantage, Major: Power does not work in Water or when covered with a flame retardant (-3)
Total CP Cost: 20

Defensive Special Ability: Fire Shield
Power Level: Medium (4)
A Protective field of fire around Blaze's body
Protection: 8 (12)
Restrictions: Disadvantage, Major: Power does not work in Water or when covered with a flame retardant (-3)
Total CP Cost: 9

Movement Special Ability: Flame Propulsion
Power Level: Medium (4)
Jets of flame streaking from Blaze's legs
Rating: 4 (9)
Mode of Travel: Flying (4)
Bonuses: Super-Scale Movement (3)
Restrictions: Disadvantage, Major: Power does not work in Water or when covered with a flame retardant (-3). Disturbance, Moderate: A streak of flame from Blaze's hair & legs lingers in the air for a few seconds (-3).
Total CP Cost: 14

Miscellaneous Special Ability: Fire Control
Power Level: Medium (4)
The ability to create and control Fire
Range: Medium (2)
Rating: 4 (9)
Restrictions: Disadvantage, Major: Power does not work in Water or when covered with a flame retardant (-3)
Total CP Cost: 12
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Eddy Fate

Quote from: urbwarOffensive Special Ability: Flame Blast
Bonuses: Auto Fire (6), Burst Fire (3)
Total CP Cost: 20

Not sure why you went with both Auto Fire and Burst Fire - both allow you attack twice, but Burst Fire allows it only on the same target.  Personally, I would take off Burst Fire, and give him back 3 CP, but otherwise it looks fine.

QuoteDefensive Special Ability: Fire Shield
Power Level: Medium (4)
A Protective field of fire around Blaze's body
Protection: 8 (12)
Restrictions: Disadvantage, Major: Power does not work in Water or when covered with a flame retardant (-3)
Total CP Cost: 9

12+4-3=13, not 9.  :-)

EDIT: I actually think I see where you made the mistake, you added the 8 in, and not the 12.  I noticed it because I catch myself doing that occasionaly with DRs.  ;-)

QuoteMovement Special Ability: Flame Propulsion
Total CP Cost: 14

This one looks tip top.

QuoteMiscellaneous Special Ability: Fire Control
Total CP Cost: 12

As does this one.

If you decide to nuke Burst Fire, I count a total of 56, which isn't too shabby.  At 100 CPs, that's roughly 10 points in Oomph/Stunt Points and 35 in Traits, right?  Nice, well-rounded character.
Eddy Webb
Vice-President, Spectrum Game Studios
Co-Line Developer for">Cartoon Action Hour">Order CAH online!


Quote from: Eddy Fate
Not sure why you went with both Auto Fire and Burst Fire - both allow you attack twice, but Burst Fire allows it only on the same target.  Personally, I would take off Burst Fire, and give him back 3 CP, but otherwise it looks fine.

While they both allow 2 attacks in one round, they are slightly different. I figured by giving him burst fire, it would allow him to attack an enemy twice in a round. If facing two opponents, he could attack them both once in a round. Re-reading Auto Fire, I guess you could attack two opponents, or the same opponent twice in the same round with it?

Quote from: Eddy Fate
12+4-3=13, not 9.  :-)

EDIT: I actually think I see where you made the mistake, you added the 8 in, and not the 12.  I noticed it because I catch myself doing that occasionaly with DRs.  ;-)

Yeah, that looks where I made the mistake. This is why I wanted someone else to double check it :-)

Quote from: Eddy Fate
This one looks tip top.


Quote from: Eddy Fate

As does this one.


Quote from: Eddy FateIf you decide to nuke Burst Fire, I count a total of 56, which isn't too shabby.  At 100 CPs, that's roughly 10 points in Oomph/Stunt Points and 35 in Traits, right?  Nice, well-rounded character.

I nuked the Burst fire. To make up for the extra point (we did his traits, Oomph/stunt points all ready), we lowered his unarmed combat from a -1 to a -2, and made up the extra point. Like I said, his character is a target for bullies in his secret id :-)

Other than the background, his character is done. I am writing a "pilot" episode (following your suggestions from After These Messages #1). If that goes well, then I will start prepping a series to run for him. I'll let everyone know how the pilot goes!
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Eddy Fate

Quote from: urbwarWhile they both allow 2 attacks in one round, they are slightly different. I figured by giving him burst fire, it would allow him to attack an enemy twice in a round. If facing two opponents, he could attack them both once in a round. Re-reading Auto Fire, I guess you could attack two opponents, or the same opponent twice in the same round with it?

Yes, you can.

QuoteI nuked the Burst fire. To make up for the extra point (we did his traits, Oomph/stunt points all ready), we lowered his unarmed combat from a -1 to a -2, and made up the extra point. Like I said, his character is a target for bullies in his secret id :-)

That works!

QuoteOther than the background, his character is done. I am writing a "pilot" episode (following your suggestions from After These Messages #1). If that goes well, then I will start prepping a series to run for him. I'll let everyone know how the pilot goes!

I'm glad you found ATM #1 so useful!  Yes, please let us know how it goes!
Eddy Webb
Vice-President, Spectrum Game Studios
Co-Line Developer for">Cartoon Action Hour">Order CAH online!


Quote from: Eddy Fate
Yes, you can.

That's what I thought. Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't sure at first, but figured for the point cost, ir probably did allow it

Quote from: Eddy Fate
That works!

Yeah, he seems into using some negative traits (or traits that are specialized, with the trait being negative outside the specialization)

Quote from: Eddy Fate
I'm glad you found ATM #1 so useful!  Yes, please let us know how it goes!

And I haven't even read the whole thing yet; just the articles you and Cynthia wrote, which I felt were specific to helping with setting up a game. I did read the series seed, which is pretty hilarious

I'll be sure to post once I run the pilot episode, and let everyone know how it went.
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Quote from: urbwar

I showed your post to my nephew. After laughing his ass off, he said that your suggestion sounds pretty cool. So looks like we have two cheesy songs for our cartoon now :-)

Glad I could help :-)  After all what's an 80s cartoon without a little cheese.

Cheese is, of course, the OTHER half of the battle.


Quote from: Valamir
Quote from: urbwar

I showed your post to my nephew. After laughing his ass off, he said that your suggestion sounds pretty cool. So looks like we have two cheesy songs for our cartoon now :-)

Glad I could help :-)  After all what's an 80s cartoon without a little cheese.

Cheese is, of course, the OTHER half of the battle.

So true. So very true.

As an update to everyone, today we're finishing the character (just need to write out the background), then we're going to play the Pilot Episode I put together (just a one sheet with a short plot description, and a few key scenes for the episode. Kind of like the episode seeds in the Iconia part of the CAH book). I'll start a new thread with a report once I've had a chance to run it. Wish me luck!
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Eddy Fate

Quote from: urbwarAs an update to everyone, today we're finishing the character (just need to write out the background), then we're going to play the Pilot Episode I put together (just a one sheet with a short plot description, and a few key scenes for the episode. Kind of like the episode seeds in the Iconia part of the CAH book). I'll start a new thread with a report once I've had a chance to run it. Wish me luck!

Eddy Webb
Vice-President, Spectrum Game Studios
Co-Line Developer for">Cartoon Action Hour">Order CAH online!